Worst Period Experiences šŸ˜¶

Wait, WHAT! Are you all right! Did you tell your parents? I feel so sorry right now that I asked that quetion! I am so sorry!

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Are you saying you have kids! On the bright side, at least you will get to boss them around. Sort ofā€¦if you do.

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Yes, me and my mom went to the doctor. Now itā€™s getting better.

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Luckily none of the boys in my class knew about periods. I was really freaked out when that stupid girl told one boy that I got my period when theyā€™re not suppose to know about that stuff. Weird because I was very discreet when I put a pad in my pocket without anyone seeing it.

I will have them somedayā€¦

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The IUD sounds painful as hell. I heard the period usually last for 3 days when that is inserted.

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So, you have kids? Or a kid Sorry, my grammer is my weakness, so is my vocab. It ony lasts for 9 months then raise them until they are 18, although Angelina Jolie left home when she was 14ā€¦ Butā€¦, at least youā€™ll know what it is like to be a parent, if.

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Well my first was when I was 11. But I think my worst experience was when I was like 15? I was sleeping over at a guy friends place and woke up in the middle of the night, the whole bed was red from blood. I go to the bathroom and realize that I donā€™t have any tampons or pads and on top of everything I was wearing a thongā€¦ so I had to go back into the bedroom crying and ask my friend for a pair of his boxers and ask where his mom kept her padsā€¦ I will never forget how ashamed I felt that night.
But yeah few period stories are pleasant, I bled through like three weeks ago last andā€¦ it sucked as usual haha.
But you know, getting your period is a good thing! Means youā€™re healthy, so Iā€™m grateful, even tho I wanna carve out my guts once a month because of the freaking pain.


The period is get rid of bad chemicals that will be removed once you get pregnent. Then no period until the baby is born, sorry I said too much.:grimacing::grimacing:

No, I donā€™t.

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Whew! Because I was about to panic! Thanks for the heads up info.

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It gets better after a few months (the cramps and heavy flow). Depends on the IUD. The hormonal IUD can stop periods I have heard. The copper IUD can make for heavier and longer periods.

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No problem.

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Oh right

Iā€™m always late! Or when Iā€™m on my period I think itā€™s dripping down my legs so I check and nothing is there!

I wore black leggings and WHITE shorts thinking the blood wouldnā€™t come through because I was a wearing a pad and leggings. I was leaving PE and my classmates pointed out the redness on my bottom. I ended up balling my eyes out and running to the nurses office after telling my math teacher (who was male) that I was having ā€œgirl problemsā€. I was SO embarrassed. Finally my mom came with a change of underwear and pants and my neighbor agreed to drive us back home. Middle school as a whole is just traumatizing. :pensive:



I have no sisters and Iā€™m not really close with my mom so it was difficult for me. The first time I got my period I was 12 years old (23 now). I remember waking up and feeling weird down there so I when to the bathroom and yuck!! Funny thing, I didnā€™t get my period again until a year later. (13 years old). I was in school getting out of my Physical Education class and I felt something come down. I checked myself and yuck, my period was back! Iā€™m irregular, therefore I could get my period a week before and sometimes Iā€™m even two weeks late. Cramps are the worst but nothing Advil Liquid Gel wont solve. :slight_smile: Thank God for those pills!! I rarely get moody, my tits get swollen which makes them look bigger and just sometimes people notice and ask if Iā€™m pregnant which is NOT COOL!!



By the way: with the whole religion and stuff, I call it ā€œLa maldicion de la mujerā€ which translates to ā€œThe woman curseā€. :rofl::rofl::rofl::smirk:


I suggest you wear tampons! They really helped me. No more stains, no more feeling nasty having to look at that nasty bloody pad. :hugs:


I suggest silicone cup. It wonā€™t cause toxic syndrome, like tampons can, plus it is way cheaper, plus it is less irritating on the last period days, since you donā€™t have to clean it as often as u have to change tampons. And it can last up to 5-10 years. I tried all there is for period, and IMO it is the best thing. But between pads and tampons, def tampons. If you end up stuck with the pad, without the possibility to change it, like in some kind of trip, you can end up with the yukky smell, which doesnā€™t happen with tampons.

The worst experience was when I had worst cramps, plus it was a hot summer day, and I ended up standing in the public transport. I almost lost my consciousness, I couldnā€™t even ask someone to let me sit, cause I barely could talk. Fortunately I was with my mother, and asked her to help me. Yikes.


Lol I feel bad for you guys since I donā€™t get very painful cramps and I havenā€™t had any bad experiences yetā€¦
Anyways my first experience was in seventh grade and we had gym class. When I went home I found out I had started my first period :pensive:. Lol Iā€™m so grateful that gym class was the last class of that day, and I didnā€™t embarrass myself

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