Would anyone like to do a R4R?

Hey guys! If you’re looking for a good romance/comedy/mystery to read with lots of surprising twists and turns, then you should check out my story Mystery on Hanging Hill Lane! It’s pretty good in my opinion and I’m sure you wont be disappointed!! Anyone wanna R4R?
Title: Mystery on Hanging Hill Lane
Author: Marshmallow O.
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Comedy
Summary: Time is running out as you and your friends try to escape the mysterious sleepover that you were invited to… Read to uncover the Mystery on Hanging Hill Lane.
Chapters: 3 (More to come!)
Style: Limelight

Create your own character!:slight_smile:

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6250660385652736
Shortened Link: https://bit.ly/2FHhOMS
Thank you so much for reading!

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