Would Anyone like to give me some advice?

Hey! I’m developing a story and I was wondering if some ppl can give me advice! Iwant to make the story as engaging as possible without making I too complex. I also want to develop a strong bond between the mc and a supporting char, but I don’t have an exact idea on how to do so. I ant them to have their funny moments, sad moments and them just having a good time, but I still want drama to interfere.

When it comes to making a story on episodes you have to be a good story teller and using your imagination. The story can be about anything as long as it’s engaging. Episode Readers like to feel connected with the MC. Try to make your story more like a game than a story. You can use real life situtations or make something up. For example: Maybe something bad happened to you in life… USE IT and turn it into something great. Readers like something they can relate to. Think outside the box also.
Be creative and overall just have fun. If you need help I can give you some assistance.

thanks! you helped a lot!

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Sure NP! If you any more help let me know

Will do!

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