Would You Rather?

WYR sleep or eat right now

Eat please :smile:

Would You Rather have Damon OR Stefan as your BFF? It’s Best Friend Forever, BTW (Sorrehhhh, layeeees :wink:)

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Idk who they are.

Would you rather be angry at @Chocolate_Mama because she’s saying hi or @SilverStar because she loves art?

Is there an option for both of them? In case not, then it’s… @SilverStar (No Offense!)

Would you rather be tall and overweight OR short and skinny?

I Love Episode Forums

Tall and overweight thats what i am lol 153CMS and 59KGs😂
If you touch the one you love, they die. If the one you love touches you, you die. WYR choose the first one or the second one?

I love episode

Second one (It’s better to be the braveheart Trey Bailey, rather than being grief-stricken Callie :pensive: Amen)

Would you rather be The Genius Brainiac OR The Courageous Soldier?

I Love Episode Forums

Genius Brainac…? :thinking:
WYR be an actor or a singer? Have mercy I have no idea what to ask… :roll_eyes:

An actor :grin: I’d get to meet SRK and Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts and Matt Damon and Ellen DeGeneres :heart_eyes:

Would You Rather be Trey Bailey (Chain Reaction) OR Zane Santini (Deep Attraction)? I swear both are gang leaders with resting bish faces and dresses in Ken costumes :joy:

I Love Episode Forums

Aaaaand she said bish again… :joy:
Trey Bailey cause i haven’t read Deep attraction
WYR this or that? :thinking: :smile:

I’d rather that :smile: (My damn bishy bish bish phone can’t work properly, it doesn’t have a lot variety of emojis and I can’t use the exclusive, mind-blowing Episode emojis to display the first emoji you used. Amen :pensive:).

Would You Rather marry a hot but…donkey guy (don’t judge me, and I know it stands for foolish guy) OR marry an ugly but a genius guy?

Hey! What can I say? Bish is so easy to say! It conveys the meaning perfectly without any hassles from other good-mouthed people and doesn’t create problems when you’re writing another sentence in bold.

I Love Episode Forums

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A hot but donkey guy.
(that way I could manipulate him):smiling_imp:

Would you rather be mute or be deaf

I’d rather be deaf (How else are you supposed to say bish when you’re angry and need to vent?)

Would you rather have pimples or freckles?

I Love Episode Forums

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Ur crazy. You’d rather be deaf just to say bish. :joy:
WYR marry Donald Trump or Barack Obama? :rofl:

They r too old for me :joy:
Wyr a phone or computer?

WYR pillow or blanket


WYR a ballpen or paper

A ball pen.

Would You Rather choose to read Mystery OR Fantasy first when on Episode?

I Love Episode Forums

Fantasy first.

Would you rather wear glasses or contacts?


Would You Rather predict your future through astrology OR palmistry? (Palmistry is future determining by palm reading, very often come across in India in case ya didn’t know)

Palmistry. My friends recently have looked into it and it is surprisingly true.
Would you rather have muffins for hands or squirrels for feet?