Would you read a story without a LI

Hey everyone! My friend is putting her story together and she decided not to include a love interest. She’s wondering if people might not like this because 99% of episode stories do have LIs, and people usually like this. So I’m asking this for her, would you read a story if it didn’t have an initial love interest?

My opinion: I’m totally indifferent. I do like to have LIs in the story because it’s entertaining and fun to connect with another character like this, but it’s not all I look for in a story. I like stories with a good plot and character development, so it wouldn’t matter to me if my character didn’t have a love interest. Do you guys agree?


I would since I’m also writing one without a LI (:

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Yes I would! I love having an LI but I’m also happy to read a story without (:

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I would. It’s mainly about the plot for me, I admit an ll is interesting but it’s not a requirement for me personally.


LI not needed depending on the plot and also the genre. If the genre is romance then kinda need a LI.

But I seen LI shoved into stories where it probably didn’t need a LI in the first place.

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I wouldn’t mind to read a story without LI. Depends on the storyline.


I prefer stories without a LI. My favorite genres are heavily plot-based (mystery/thriller/horror), so LIs tend to be an unnecessary distraction. It can be nice for the MC to bond with someone, but that person could just as easily be a best friend or family member.


I will read anything in LL so… probably

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