Would you read this—— is it too cliche?

I’d read it! It may sound cliche but as long as you put your own spin on it then I don’t think it matters.

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Okay! Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

If you’re writing romance, make the mc girl tough and badass. Don’t make her act shy and nervous around guy and don’t let the guy try to control her. Make her can talk back, let her be smarta*s and she isn’t afraid of anyone.

For example, he says she’s beautiful and then she blushed and nervous. On her mind saying “I never been called beautiful” and then she fell in love in him which I hate people fall in love too fast.

Don’t make the mc girl looking at the guy’,s chest, drooling all over him, and thinking “Oh my God! Look at those abs! He must have work out! He’s so sexy! I must have him!” I’d seen authors wrote that many times :confused:


That’s amazing idea and backstory :smile:


Thanks! :hot_face:


Thanks for the tips :slight_smile:

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No problem :wink:

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@Ayu @xetic @amyV @lucywrites
Okay, I have two other ones I’m thinking about writing…


It’s called “Secret of the Flame”
Lily’s sister, Ria, died in a fire, five years ago. When Lily gets kidnapped, she discovers secrets about what actually happened…


This one is called “Life’s A Beach” (or something else if I find a better name… lmao)
You and six other people agree to join a popular show where you have to survive on an island… but what happens when you lose connection with the people running the show? CC, choices matter

Some more feedback…? :joy::two_hearts: I feel like the 3 one is kind of overused


I loveee #2 I’m listening to songs that are giving me some ideas. So you can have this story contain magical powers so have it be in the powerful section. If you read “Powerful Mind” on episode it’ll help. So have a flashback showing where the family was always on the run because back in 1643 people were spilling rumors everywhere saying how bad these witches and magicians were and how they were harmful. They believed these people with these powers were “horrifying creatures”. Unfortunately, the governor at that time ordered the soldiers to track down these “horrifying creatures” and burn them alive to make sure they were to never be heard of. The only one who was able to escape was The Mc while…she was looking for the rest of her family she saw her sister mom and dad hung up on the trees set aflames. As they were screaming she heard footsteps coming her way. And off she ran into the night. She kept running and running and ended up in an unknown town. And there she started her new life. She never heard about those “stories ever again”.

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I’d read both #1 and #2 and completely agree with @xetic. Also #3 is overused but maybe you could tie it in with the new contest called Clue? You could maybe make the character find clues in order to regain the connection with the people running the show or maybe the other contestants get lost along the way and the character has to find them as well? The possibilities are quite broad but I think some of them have been done before so just make sure to put your own spin on it!


Nice idea. I was thinking maybe this:

Lily and Ria were a part of a very happy family, but one day their house mysteriously started burning. The fire started under Ria’s bed (the older sister) Ria was “asleep” while it was burning and never woke up. But the other three members of the family ran out of the house when they heard the smoke alarms. They thought everyone got out alive, but Ria was still in there. Lily tried to run into the house to get her but her parents said she wouldn’t make it. So they called the fire department, but they were too late, and their whole house burned down. They lost everything and had to live in a shabby apartment. Four years later (present time in the story) lily and her parents are still living in an apartment, but not a horrible apartment. Anyway, lily is invited to a party by her friends who said “you never live anymore, you just exist, but don’t live ” so she goes to the party, and at the very end she decides to walk home because her ride got drunk. She gets kidnapped and finds out her sister was alive this whole time, and is the one who started the fire on purpose . Then lily learns that Ria and her are magical and that their parents aren’t their real parents and that there’s a whole magical world that lily didn’t know about. But Ria did know about it and she is a spy/secret agent for the other world. And blah blah blah more stuff happens. How is that?

I blurred it because I just realized anyone could steal this idea not that anyone would actually like it enough :roll_eyes::joy:

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Thanks for the tips :slight_smile: I might just scratch that whole idea because it’s too overused and idk if I’m gonna do that story

These two sound amazing, but defiantly the third one I would stop everything just to read it.

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Ooh that’s An amazing ideaaa I love it

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Really? You’d read the third one, about the island? I thought that one was very cliche and overused

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thanks :slight_smile: so which story should I write? I’m gonna write one and then when I finish that story I will write the next one if i still feel like it.

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1 then 2 :nerd_face:

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I think if you put your own spin on it, it could turn out amazing and different. All of these ideas sound amazing, and even if they sound overused or cliche readers don’t care much as long as you add your own spin and make it different.

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@guilloteens @lucywrites @xetic thank you all for the feedback/suggestions :two_hearts:

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Anytime :heart:

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