Would you want to read this story?

here are the story details...

title: At First Bite
description: When someone starts attacking people at Beverly’s school, she realises she’s not the only vampire in town. It’s up to her to discover the culprit before her cover is blown forever!
genre: Mystery
episode amount: i’m not sure exactly how many episodes there will be, but i plan to keep it under 12.
release date: if all my things are approved soon, this story should (hopefully) be released before July.
other: there is no CC in this story, because i usually don’t like to include it, and i want the characters to look the way i envision them.

so, would you be interested in reading this story when it’s published?


Ooh yeah that sounds really interesting! If you do end up writing it, would you tag me when it’s published?

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of course! :slight_smile:

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me too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m not sure it’d be as interesting if it was a long story with like 50 eps but if it’s a short story wow it could work REALLY well, please do tag me too! :heart:

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It sounds interesting, please tag me once the story is out :yay:

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I would read it! I honestly love mystery stories! I’m currently a mystery too! But its not going well :sweat: :sweat: is this the same story you needed characters for? goodluck :heart: and tag me when the story is out!

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Intrigued :white_check_mark:

Please tag me :heavy_check_mark:


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yes this the same one i needed characters for

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