Writer's block, tips?

Hey guys! I’m working on my first story, I’ve published 9 episodes so far. I’ve been really surprised with the positive feedback I’ve got. At the beginning I felt very inspired and was able to produce new work fast and pretty effortlessly. Now I suddenly feel stuck with episode 10. It’s just so hard to come up with new ideas. I tried to write my ideas and thoughts down but that doesn’t seem to help. Any tips for this?


Same! I mostly get over that by reading books or other stories, watching movies. There is nothing wrong about getting some inspiration from others and you can make it also original by your ideas. I have my boyfriend who mostly gives me new ideas for a plot, I hope you’ll get over it soon.:confounded:

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Through out the day write down experiences you have and put them in a jar or write them down on your phone if you prefer. So every time you don’t know what to do pick one and try to incorporate it. It keeps it real and the source is endless. It could be your personal experience, news on tv or internet, smth a friend told you, a song…
Hope it helps!

Think about why you started writing the book and let that sink you should definitely find some inspiration there

Or try and think about how you want your characters to develop. The way they development can create and spur on a story line

Well whenever I get writer’s block I look at prompts online and let my mind wander from there. Just don’t force yourself to write because more than likely you’ll hate what you wrote earlier. Maybe you spice up the story by putting it in a different perspective, like a supporting character, or the antagonist.

I find that listening to song lyrics and dreams help my inspiration flow :thinking:

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