Writer's Portal Story HELP

Hey guys!

Can I start writing two stories on Episode at the same time ?

Yes you absolutely can.

When you already have one story created, you can just click on “Start New Story” (circled in red) in the “My Stories” tab and create the second one. When you want to rotate between the two, just click on the magnifying glass next to “My Stories” (circled in purple) that will be visible just above the “Need Help” button. There you can enter the name of the story you want to work on, then click on it and the portal will take you there. And vise-versa when you want to work on the other one just enter the name at the same place.

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Awesome. Thankyou!! Haha omg i thought I lost everything, I started a new story and kept clicking on manage stories but it only came up with the second one I created and I thought I lost all my progress on the first story i did :joy:

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The same happened to me!

Happy I could help :upside_down_face:

Cheers for responding @Doretha_van_Taak! Closing thread :v:t2: