Writing buddy needed! LOL!

I looking for a writing partner who can:
*Are good at directing!
*Making the plot stronger
*Are good at using descriptive words
*Can make covers! (This is not a must! Just a bounos(probaly spelt that wrong! LOL) )
*And are nice LOL :grin:

I am very bad at writing a story alone( If you read the Impossible Task then you know I am horrible writer! :cry:) I like doing Fantasy, mystey, horror, and evrey day life(If you get what I mean). I will make the story and my (futer) writing partner can do the stuff above!

This is the link that I am starting to write! https://www.episodeinteractive.com/write/story/Modern_Fairy_Tales_IE/1
I am not liking it!

Ok so I canโ€™t be ur partner BUT I can make ur covers lol.

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Lol! :grinning::laughing:

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Hi they I can be your co-writer if your still available :grin:


Thanks! I still am! :grinning:

Just PM me anything you want to do or create if thatโ€™s okay :smile: