Writing Group Needing Members!

I’ll try again.

Are you sure that’s the right one because when I used copy and paste with it it said there were no matching results what’s your name on Hangouts?

Actually here’s the link:
Join the conversation on Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/group/6cGPycS5C3q3Wv993

It says link is no longer valid… My name in hangout is Ruchi Thakur

Oh! Give me a minute!

I added you to a chat called: Writing Group

Okay… Let me check…

It isn’t showing… Can you tell me you email id or name on hangout.

You probably shouldn’t send it out here since anyone could see it.
Maybe send a pm?

good point thanks!

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No prob

Hi! I’d like to join and I was thinking maybe I could be the artist of the group to make covers and splashes!

Perfect! Do you have hangouts? It’s not a requirement, just a suggestion!

Yes I do have hangouts!

What’s your email for hangouts?


Added you into the group writing chat!


Hmm. I don’t see it.

The group is called: Writing Group