Writing Group (needs 5+ more people)

Hey - I’m very interested in finding compatible writing partner(s) and assistant character designers. I’ve got four years of experience on this platform, and I’m interested in talking with other experienced people on this:

:clapper:Creative Director - manages ideas. ALL ideas (submitted by any member) must b POC-positive and LGBTQ+ inclusive. (15+ for judgement purposes)

:seedling:Character Creator - creates characters and outfits to fit overall ideas.

:memo:Code Designer - follows plot of Director. works with everyone. Must have prior experience.

:paintbrush:Artist - creates original art. Works specifically with other artistic roles.

:pushpin:Plotter - plots out ideas.



:cold_sweat: Mary-Sue’s

:cold_sweat:love triangles

:cold_sweat:no homophobia or racism


Comment Below💖

Link: https://discord.gg/2G6WhsB


Hi, I’m Mal and I’d love to be the Character creator. I really enjoy making diverse characters and creative outfits. Email me at (smal9927@gmail.com) if you like to have me.

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I’m Mehek, and if possible, I’d love to be the Creative Director. I’m 16, and a bisexual POC myself with multiple POC/LGBTQ+ friends haha so I’m definitely super supportive of all kinds of diversity ^-^

I’m active on the forums/Discord multiple times a day. Hope I can join :point_right::sunglasses::point_right:

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Thanks ^v^ - I’ll send you the link to the Discord chat so we can get started.

Of course ^v^ - I’ll link you too!

I’d love to be a character creator. I loveeee creating characters and outfits. You can rely on my taste :wink:

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Feel free to join the discord chat thru the link

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I would love assist with character creation…

Use the Discord Link ^v^

Closing due to one month of inactivity :slight_smile: