.Writing Partner Needed

I need a writing partner

What do you need one for? Writing or coding?

I can be your writing partner?

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Hello @DarkKawaii, I’m Sydney the moderator. Welcome to the forum! :smiley: I’ve moved this thread to Find a Writing Partner. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics, and feel to PM me if there are any questions. :wink:

And again, lol anyone can learn these things by them selves or with someone who will help them for free. Having someone to pay you to do there work does not make any sense. First that person isn’t learning anything, and second your having a person pay you for something they could find-do for free. All someone needs to do is Use the directing helper, go to threads on forums with tutorials on how to code a story. Or just find a frickin writing partner on here. Zooms, overlays, and spot directing are all in the directing helper on the previewer and there are many threads on here that people posted for FREE to help the people who are beginners. For backgrounds, someone can just go to a creator and download them, upload them and Bam! looky there they have a custom background, and give credit to that person. Now yes, I’ve heard it “You need money” Doing something that someone can find for free, is just not right. :wilted_flower:

  • Babysitting
  • Dog Walking
  • Ranking Leaves
  • Shoveling Snow
  • Mowing peoples lawn
  • Cleaning someones dog Sh*t

Anyone at ages 8 and older can do these jobs.

Okay thanks.

Just screw whatever I’ve said over time.

:tipping_hand_woman: :woman_facepalming: