Writing Partner WANTED. (Horror Story)

Hi! So, I have this story idea, and I don’t wanna mess it up. It’s called, “My Dearest Daughter”
It’s a horror story, and I need help with everything, basically.
I guess I’m pretty moderate when it comes to coding. I don’t mind going all out with it. However, my writing, is a eh.
Would anyone want to write this story with me? I wrote the first episode already, but I think it could be better. My Instagram is sunni. epi. The front cover is actually on there, so you can get a view of the main characters!
Help, I’m desperate.
(I know the cover looks cheesy, it’s still under construction!)

I could help you

I’l like to help I’ve been writing horror for years! I’ve even been published! Your story sounds interesting I want to help.