Xaeni looking for a WRITING partner!

Hello Episodians,
My name is Xaeni, I‘m a 16-year-old boy and in the Episode community since March 2018. I‘ve been playing Episode for a quite longer time though.
At the moment I‘m working on my very own story. Being motivated the whole time is not easy and that‘s why I want to work on something beside my story and that‘s why I want to find a writing partner for a different type of story!
-You need to be 16-years or older!
-You need to have experience in how to use the writer‘s portal and how to direct
-You need to be on instagram
-You need to be able to work in a team!
-We need to motivate each other! So also a person‘s required that is not a person to give up quickly!

You think you fulfil these requirements? Leave a comment with your INSTAGRAM NAME!. I‘ll come up to you as soon as possible!

Have a nice day!


Hey. My name is Rachel, I have experience on directing, I’m 16, my instagram is hotel.hideaway_episode.

Hey Xaeni,
I am 18 and also experienced in writing on Episode.
I joined the community in 2016 though I started this account recently…
My instagram is minervaa_writes
Feel free to dm me…I’ll be glad to have a writing partner…

Hello Xaeni,
My name is Ellen, I’m 16 years old and I’m a part of the writer community since 2016.
I have one story which has a few posted chapters (it’s not finished yet) , but I am currently working on another one, so I am familiar with writing, directing, etc.
My instagram is ellen_episode.
You can always dm me, I’d love to have a writing partner.

Have a great day!