You cannot have a label inside If/Then statements or { }

Guys please help. Idk what to do to get rid of this error message? I am in the process of letting the reader make choices on her customization.

You have to upload the error, click on the problem and it’ll send you to the part of the script with the problem.

This looks like you made a choice using (if_UmberSkin1) you chose this then go to Umber skin color, That’s not how the label for Character Customization works. you should only have goto_labels.

Did you put customisation inside the choice?

You can’t have any labels inside the brackets.

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Hehe, :zipper_mouth_face:

thank you!!! that worked

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If you can’t have a label inside brackets, then how do dressing games work? Don’t you have a label at the beginning of the games and when you like, want to look through them all, choose the last option that’s something like “choose something else”, it should look like

label outfit

“this one” {

@char change into outfit

“this one” {

@char change into outfit

(and however many your heart desires)

and then at the very end its like

does char wanna wear this?

“ye” {



goto label outfit


so…? how can we not put goto labels inside brackets?

PS, this is theoretical. I’m thinking about the choices I want to write and dressing games I want to do, and if it doesn’t work like this, then I am madly confused

You can have goto inside choices but you can’t have labels, do you get what I am saying?

…hol up.




not okay.


goto label


is okay.

I got it. Thanks fam

That doesn’t look right though :confused:

cause i’m not specific at all. its is super generalized and spaced out. Does this look better?

dialogue of somekind

not okay

dialogue of somekind
goto label

is okay

Try something like this

label outfi_choice


“Outfit 1”{

@CHAR changes into OUTFIT
goto outfit_yes

}“Outfit 2”{

@CHAR changes into OUTFIT
goto outfit_yes


label outfit_yes


goto end_choice

goto outfit_choice

label end_choice


Heard! See, I was skipping steps. Like I said, it was totally theoretical, so.

Yeah I get it