Young Avengers/Young Justice/Teen Titans

I’d love one
I’d watch the heck out of it

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I agree, I don’t believe Wally is dead
Also, I read that there might be a season 3?


Yes. I think its titled as YJ: Outsiders :thinking:


Kind of like what they did with Max Steel, right? If you’ve seen that show.

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I…I think I am remembering something. I used to watch these shows very much in the past so its a problem remembering them :sweat_smile:

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I also miss Young Justice. Although I am a hardcore Marvel fan, I loved watching that show with my brother

I also demand justice for Wally


And for Artemis :smiling_imp:

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Looks like we might be getting our wishes granted with the premiere of Young Justice: Outsiders. Pretty excited for this myself since Season 2’s killer ending with Darkseid had me screaming. :smile:


Really? OMG YAYYYYY :smiley:

Wally must be avenged

Maybe Bart can do some more time-travel shenanigans and bring Wally back. :slight_smile: Also not convinced Wally is dead, due to the Speed Force in the comics often absorbing and releasing people for some odd reason. But you never know. YJ takes place on an alternate Earth so it’s possible the rules work differently.


I and a few others had the same theory about the time force thing. I hope Flash and the other woll do some research into that. I’m pretty sure Artemis would help :slight_smile:

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That reminds me of another poll I have to make.

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I hope they bring back Roy and Jade. :heart: I love them so much, and imagine babby Lian toddling around being cute. :heart_eyes:


Any Bat Family fans around?


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Cool, who’s you favorite member?

Jason Todd haha
I feel like he’s so complex and somehow relatable to me?

Who’s yours?

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I like Red Robin and Red Hood. (I’ll be honest, I know a bit about the characters, but not much, other than names. So I’m looking to get into it more.)

I’m also interested in Duke Thomas (Lark), and Nightrunner. (I may or may not just be listing Batman Characters that I like now.)

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This is me all the time, so don’t worry hahahaha

Tim is amazing, he deserves more recognition tbh
I’d say he’s my second favourite but well, it’s so hard to actually organise my love for the characters in a scale, like… I just love them all XD

Luke I a really cool character too, I haven’t read that much about him, but what I’ve read is great, and he should be included in the BatFam more often.

And well, I don’t know much about Nightrunner other than some basic facts tbh, so I can’t say much >.<

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The best Batman animated anything was Batman Beyond and I’m willing to fight anyone on that lol

That’s just my input though :face_with_hand_over_mouth: