Your thoughts on Art Scenes?

I don’t like art scenes. It feels like a cheap way to push in some narration and avoid directing, instead of showing what the characters feel. I’m not saying the artists don’t work hard, I’ve seen their work. I just prefer show-don’t-tell, and art scenes are an example of “telling”. There’s also a massive pet peeve I have, which is a lot of characters in art scenes don’t look like their avatar, even if they haven’t been customized.


it honestly just depends if I like the art lol

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I mean… in a story ur not necessarily playing as u, so u can’t expect full cc. But for me, I don’t think it’s proper writing if the story is packed w them, but ngl I enjoy the occasional art scene to show a romantic moment, especially when they’re well drawn by Caroline, zuzu, Arina or another extremely talented artist :white_heart:


I hate art scenes with passion omgsbsb. They are often amazing, yeah, but it cuts me off from interacting with the characters and the story. Sometimes they’re so useless too, what do I care if my MC sits on the toilet bowl and watches her pregnancy test during 5 minutes?? Or even worse when the MC and the LI kiss and the narration is so f*cking long, when they could just say: I just wanna fuck you :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. Episode’s animations are already enough to describe these scenes.

It’s even more awkward when your characters don’t look like the art scene. And don’t get me started on when we have to wait to see the whole art scene with all those slow zooms :unamused:.


The art used in art scenes is often amazing work but it just takes me out of the story so I’m not the biggest fan personally. And especially not when they last so long sometimes.


I personally don’t mind art scenes. I find it fun to see and appreciate art work. Sometimes, if the art scene lasts too long, then it might get a bit tedious to read.


It’s not my thing personally. I mean an art scene does kind of take a lot of coding out (which we stan because lbh coding is exhausting a lot of the time, and I’ve only ever done really basic coding myself so I can’t imagine some of the coding that goes into some of the stories available), and make ideas easier to get across in ways that you can’t with Episode’s limits on animations and such, but I feel part of Episode’s charm is watching the characters so staring at an art scene (though admittedly a lot of the time the art is great) it just doesn’t do anything for me.


I mean I do understand but like I think if it bothers you that the art scene character doesn’t look like your own, don’t customise 🤷 personally it doesn’t really bother me if it looks different to my character but it does get kind of annoying with like the slow zooms and stuff 🤷😅


That is also true…

That’s what I was saying lol


I didn’t realize there was so much hatred for art scenes :sweat_smile:

For people saying they don’t like it because they rather use episode animations, but what about when there aren’t proper animations for the scene you’re trying to write?
One scene that I have planned for my story is for two characters to sit against a wall for a bit, sort of like this.
If you’re a writer, you’ll know there is nothing close to this currently available in the episode animations catalog. My solution for this would be an art scene, but since so many people are saying they don’t like them I’m hesitant now :sweat_smile:


Do what you’re comfortable with. Art scenes are still extremely popular. I think you can still do it. A lot of the stories on the trending sections have art scenes and they still rack up thousands of readers.


I personally like art scenes even if my character doesn’t look anything like my character unless they are “bad” quality. I see why people would not like them but there are things that are limited by animations and I love seeing good art. They are good once but when you have to replay a chapter then that is when I would get annoyed with them.

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I have an art scene planned for my story too, and I’m still going to go with it. It’s no problem for me because there won’t be CC in the story anyways.


I love art scenes, if the art is beautiful and nice to look at. I don’t mind if my character doesn’t match the art scene.
On the other hand, I don’t want to spend 5 minutes reading narration.

I’d like them if they were like the art scene in Crush on Mr. Bad Boy. It changed depending on your cc basically

Lmao :sob:

For me, it’s a tough call to make.

I actually don’t mind if the art scenes don’t look like the character I customised, however I will admit I do sometimes find it quite odd that the author will put so many art scenes in when they have a clear view of what the characters look like. Sometimes I enjoy the art scenes when they are aesthetically pleasing, and also short and to the point.

I’m sorry but it bores the hell out of me having to read 300 lines of narration with the slow zooms, lmao. Those slow zooms, and I’m sure we all know what I mean, are sooo slow and painful. I get the point - his eyes were as blue as the ocean and you were lost in his eyes. Of course, the artists are extremely talented and deserve to have their work shown, but I don’t think it needs to be 10 minutes of just straight narration.

I guess for me it just depends on how long the scene is, how often the scenes are, and how well the narration fits into the scene I guess? I just need maybe 15 lines of dialogue/narration tops. Like I said, I don’t need a million lines of dialogue talking about his chiselled abs that were sculpted by Greek gods. lol