Zooming while Character changes position?

Helloooooo. I’ve been trying to make my character change spot and zoom on her while she’s moving. But not working. :skull::sweat_smile:

I even tried adding the zoom after the character but nope.

Try =

@zoom on 202 346 to 397% in 6 AND GOWRI walks to spot 1.280 196 -51 in zone 1 in 6 AND GOWRI does it while idle_happy_pose

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I literally was doing that now.:joy: Lemme preview it :sneezing_face:

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Let me know if it works for u (:

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It worked! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sneezing_face:

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or switch it and use &zoom blah blah blah and on the next line use an @ CHAR so that the zoom happens while the charaacter is moving and not before the character is moving;

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