A command or effect (?

Maybe you’re talking about using the zoom command with easing function commands.

Should be at the bottom somewhere on the original post, HOW TO: Use Easing Functions :disco:

It’ll look something like:
@zoom on X Y to % in S using easing_function

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3 using easebouncein

As for making the camera shake such as if someone screamed and you wanted it to move from left to right multiple times real quick or up and down then you would just use the regular zoom command but multiple zoom commands timed so that it goes from left to right and then stops.
There’s a script example of this of someone crash landing here when the camera shakes up and down:

Looks like this:
@zoom on 126 160 to 155% 0.1
@zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.1
@zoom on 126 160 to 155% 0.1
@zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.1

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