Accusations [GAME]

@Whispering_Flower loves to reveal my secrets :no_mouth:

@24aya directed a movie called, ‘A Villian’s Guide to Taking Over the World.’

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@Whispering_Flower knows it because she was the writer of it

I was the writer of it, before @24aya the Director fired me and said that my writing was garbage! She then replaced me with a chicken.

@Whispering_Flower forgot that then I baked that chicken , eat it and call whisper for the job again

@24aya might have called me back for the job… but that was only because she was desperately in need of a writer and couldn’t find anyone else. She still hated my work though so she refused to pay me!

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@Whispering_Flower is right I am regretting eating that chicken :sob: she was good writer

@24aya is Albert Einstein’s twin sister… Alberta Einstein.

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@Whispering_Flower knows it well because she is da Albert Einstein

@24aya hurt my feelings and made me happy, both at the same time. She hurt mah fragile feelings by stating that I am a dead guy, and she complimented me by indirectly saying that imma a genius.

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@Whispering_Flower wrote something long again :astonished:

@24aya is being too lazy to read everything I wrote again! All mah hard work :cry:

@Whispering_Flower is crying :smirk: because I didn’t read it :joy:

@24aya just prove thst she is lazy. (lol who isn’t)

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@Silver_Shadow is so much lazy that she joined forum few days before :upside_down_face:

@24aya is ignoring me.

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@Whispering_Flower is assuming things

@24aya is worng about me being lazy

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@Silver_Shadow is not accepting that she is lazy :sleepy::sleeping:

@24aya is definitely more lazy then me.

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