Advanced Zooming help!

Does anyone know how to make the camera view shake like say if there is a storm and you want to make an affect when the thunder hits and the view point starts to shake.


Use zooms without a pause! And zoom on one place and in the next line zoom on some other place then repeat these two.
For ex : @zoom on 204 320 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 24 220 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 204 320 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 24 220 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 204 320 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 24 220 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 204 320 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 24 220 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 204 320 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 24 220 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 204 320 to 138% 0.1
@zoom on 24 220 to 138% 0.1

You can copy paste this and try! @Benzie.stories

You need to use @cut to zone 2 or 3 before the above code if you want this effect in different zones
Also please don’t forget to use zoom reset in the beginning of the script as well as end of this scene!

use THEN between the zooms. For example @zoom on 219 214 to 238% in 1 THEN zoom on 200 214 to 235% in 1

And you just keep going until you want the shaking to stop. :blush: