Animation Glitch Thing

Alright, a little hard to explain. But, essentially, I’m aiming to have a character move off screen so they can be replaced by another one. I’ve got this, I figured out the coding and timing and all that. It works. One issue, however, is that it just. stops. It was working fine before I messed with the code to fix the timings so I know it’s gotta be an issue there… I just can’t find it. I want to keep the timing as-is but need to figure out what to change.

The ‘glitch’ in question is a character not doing the animation they’re meant to, but only on a repeat loop. For example, if I pressed the left button, they’d move left. If I pressed the right one, they’d move right. But if I press right again a few times to loop back around, for some reason all the animations just stop and the characters just sorta moonwalk on screen instead of doing the animation I want. How do I fix this?

Here’s some pieces of the code below, but if more is needed, I’ve got more.


@ARIELM changes into ARIELM_fall
&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 84 256 in zone 2
&overlay MASC SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay MASC SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay MASC SIGN to layer 1
&overlay MASC SIGN opacity 1
&ARIELM spot 0.809 174 181 in zone 2 at layer 0 AND ARIELM faces right

&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to -84 256 in zone 1 in 1.5
&ARIEL walks to spot 0.809 -174 181 in zone 1 in 1.5 and ARIEL faces right and ARIEL does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop
@pause for a beat
&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 159 256 in zone 1 in 1.5
&ARIELM walks to spot 0.809 145 181 in zone 1 in 1.5 and ARIELM faces right and ARIELM does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop then ARIELM is lay_cpr_receive_loop

@ARIEL is lay_cpr_receive_loop

goto PLUSiel_right
goto FAriel_left


label FAriel_left

@ARIEL changes into ARIEL_fall
&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to -84 256 in zone 1
&overlay FEM SIGN scales to 1.0 1.0
&overlay FEM SIGN rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5
&overlay FEM SIGN to layer 1
&overlay FEM SIGN opacity 1
&ARIEL spot 0.809 -174 181 in zone 1 at layer 0 AND ARIEL faces right

&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 84 256 in zone 2 in 1.5
&ARIELM walks to spot 0.809 174 181 in zone 2 in 1.5 and ARIELM faces right and ARIELM does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop
@pause for a beat
&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to 159 256 in zone 1 in 1.5
&ARIEL walks to spot 0.809 145 181 in zone 1 in 1.5 and ARIEL faces right and ARIEL does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop then ARIEL is lay_cpr_receive_loop

@ARIELM is lay_cpr_receive_loop

goto MAriel_right
goto PLUSiel_left

please hepl. bump

I may be able to help, but it would be extremely helpful if you had a screen recording of the scene, so I know what to look for :smiley:

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hihi! Sorry for the slow reply. Here’s a screen record of the glitch itself (on the portal preview at least)

Link Because No Videos Allowed

lmk if you need more screen or something more specific :))

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Ohh, I see! I had this happen with a dressing game, when I tried to setup a different animation for every outfit, lol.

What worked for me was putting the animations in the tappable choice rather than the label, kind of like so:

(just to give an idea of what I mean)


&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to -84 256 in zone 1 in 1.5
&ARIEL walks to spot 0.809 -174 181 in zone 1 in 1.5 and ARIEL does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop and ARIEL faces right THEN ARIEL is lay_cpr_receive_loop
&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 159 256 in zone 1 in 1.5
&ARIELM walks to spot 0.809 145 181 in zone 1 in 1.5 AND ARIELM does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop AND ARIELM faces right THEN ARIELM is lay_cpr_receive_loop

@pause for a beat

goto PLUSiel_right


&overlay MASC SIGN shifts to 84 256 in zone 2 in 1.5
&ARIELM walks to spot 0.809 174 181 in zone 2 in 1.5 AND ARIELM does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop AND ARIELM faces right THEN ARIELM is lay_cpr_receive_loop
&overlay FEM SIGN shifts to 159 256 in zone 1 in 1.5
&ARIEL walks to spot 0.809 145 181 in zone 1 in 1.5 AND ARIEL does it while lay_cpr_receive_loop AND ARIEL faces right  THEN ARIEL is lay_cpr_receive_loop

@pause for a beat

goto FAriel_left


Hope this helps!!! :pray:

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Yes, this is perfect! I tried it out and with a bit of tweaking it seems to be fixed! Thanks!! :))

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