Any tips for me?

Hey i’m currently writing a story called “Desire To Fall” and I’ve been very motivated to write. I love how things are working out even if it’s my first time coding/writing. I just wanted to know if anybody could give me tips or insight to grab the readers attention. I’ve been trying my hardest to make sure my story is different. Something that the reader hasn’t read about and I just hope that people like it you know!


Dm I’ll help

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From my experience as a copywriter, I can say that it all depends on what kind of story you have. If it’s a dynamic story, it’s much easier to keep the reader’s attention. If you have a calmer storyline, it is better to use more imagery and include interesting dialogue or character monologues.


Make sure the scenes don’t move along too slowly, otherwise the reader might get bored. You could add text effects here and there and perhaps also music. Add choices so that the reader feels invovled, unless your story is supposed to have no choises. Use transitions and zooms. Overlays can do the story some wonders, but it’s a lot of effort for some. Another cool thing for some might be mini-games. Hope this helps a bit. :blue_heart:


a twist is often very apprechiated and remember to let them choose like outfits, hair etc!

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Okey you need to open the “Im good” if we’re going to be able to help you!

If you have an Instagram account, I’d recommend following a bunch of episode accounts (because most of them follow back) and gather a bunch of followers. Before you publish your story, post a bunch of sneak peeks or Q&A’s about the story itself to get people hyped up about it. My friends and I did this with our stories and we got a ton of reads within days :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah you will have to listen to him!!:joy: He’s probably a great writer with flood of reads in a few days :heart:


Aw :joy:

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Joseph Evans has quite a few videos on Youtube that are really helpful if there’s anything that you don’t know how to code

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Thank You so much :grin:

i fixed ittt

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