Anyone wanting a story coded? (Free. Only credit wanted)

Fab! Yeah LL is perfect, thank you so much. Let me know when you have the time to start and what you need from me. Exciting times :slight_smile:

PM me!

And I’ll get back to you!

Oh my yes please! If you could put me on the waiting list. Just for the first three chapters.
I will add you on Instagram if that is ok??
Thanks in advance for your response! Xx

Hi, can you please put me on the waiting list as I am not on there, i sent you a pm 1-2 weeks ago

I would like help with my story too…please and thank you. I’d appreciate it if you COULD help. because i suck at coding.

I also have questions:

Q1. How are the episodes sent to us? ex. in the episode interactive, by email, or something else?

Q2. What name would you like to be under in the episode when it’s finished? I know you have a name on here, but some people like to use nicknames.

I want to do a story but am having trouble getting it started as I want the reader to have full customization of their character. Would you be able to help me get the first chapter started?

YES. Pm me

Hi, I’m writing my first story and I just need help with a few coding scenes.
I’d like to discuss with you
Thank you

Ok. Thats fine. DM me on Instagram maisie_episode_writing

Or PM me

I need some help coding my stories. I’ve got tons of ideas for stories, but not a lot of experience coding. So if you could help that would be great.

Hey! I’m looking for someone who could help me write my story, since i don’t have a lot of time at the moment to continue, because of work… I would need a partner. PM me or text me here, if you’re interested. :slight_smile:

Do you still need help?
And was it with coding or the actual story? :blush:

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Hey! I already found someone and i can see that there are more people, who would like to help me, so why not :slight_smile: are you interested to become another co-writer for my story? :slight_smile::hugs:

I can’t code though, but I’m good at ideas :blush: I’m currently working on my own story too, I thought maybe we could help each other out? If interested you can pm.
But if you need a coder I’m afraid I can’t help sorry :no_mouth: