Anyone wants to join a art shop?

Hey guys I am opening a art shop anyone want to join?


Hey! You’ve made multiple threads like this, and it’s kinda spamming the Forums-

Hi , I have made one in the past but I deleted it. This is the new one but I’ll take a look :relaxed:

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Hi y’all

I am opening a new art shop called the graffiti art shop and I am looking for a few artists to join
Anyone who wants to join can fill out this form and I’ll look into it.

Your name:
How do they credit you:
What do you do?:
Examples of your work:
How activ are you out of 10?
What timezone are you in?
What style do you do?
How many requests can you take at a time?

Hope I get a few requests art lovers :sparkling_heart::blush:
Let’s open a art shop!!:grinning::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

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You’ve already made a thread looking for people wanting to join art shops here = Anyone wants to join a art shop? - Creator’s Corner / Art Resources - Episode Forums (

As @Raitlyn said on the previous thread, you need to get in contact with @Sydney_H and discuss whether to close a thread, merge them or something else (:



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Your welcome (:

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