Background with window reflection


Could someone edit this background for me, so I can put my character and his reflection by the window?
(Without the city on the reflection…)


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I couldn’t get you, sweetie
You want the city reflection to be removed and the character reflection to be added?
I can remove the city reflection but you can add your character reflection only by coding the script accordingly

Uh yeah, I’m not very good at explaining things in English.
But I just want the city reflection to be removed

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Shall remove it and place a plain glass?

Yes please
But how do I make the reflection of my character, do I need the window as an overlay also?

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transparent-glass-panel-clear-plastic-sheet-with-glossy-effect-vector-id1152125995 k=6&m=1152125995&s=170667a&w=0&h=25fBSijtF4WWmFT36SGCpi5-Bov5tZjwXqK1F07XjQQ=

You can check for the reflection template in @Dara.Amarie collection

If you can wait till tomorrow I can try making the script for it
Coz its midnight around 2:30 here and I’m gonna go hit the bed

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Thanks for the help.
I’m going to try some things and if it doesn’t work I will ask again tomorrow.

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You can always dm me in my IG if you have any script error or problem
I will be happy to help
IG - _angryybirdd _

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Try @Dara.Amarie or @Superpup