Backgrounds & Overlays Drives List 2024

Hey guys!

I wanted to put together a Backgrounds & Overlays forum for you guys!

I’m a Background Creator myself but have recently stopped so I can just focus on my writing for now. I’ve been looking for backgrounds instead of making them as it takes a long time creating from scratch and I really want to finish my stories.

So here are my own findings and genuine recommendations of old and new works:

Free Drives:

Uwe’s Backgrounds & Overlays

Shara’s Backgrounds & Overlays

Miranda’s Backgrounds & Overlays

TW’s Backgrounds & Overlays

Caitoriri’s Backgrounds & Overlays

@ Tamara.episode.story = IG Possibly disabled or changed name (Please still credit her.)
Tamara’s Backgrounds & Overlays

Indi’s Backgrounds & Overlays

Sharonrose’s Backgrounds & Overlays

Asstoriesonline’s Backgrounds & Overlays

@catthegirl = IG Currently disabled (Please still credit her.)
Catthegirl’s Free Backgrounds & Overlays

Shouts Free Drive

Laura’s Free Backgrounds & Overlays

Penelope’s Free Backgrounds & Overlays

Paid Drives:

Cookies Paid Drives

Penelopes Paid Drive

Patreon Background Creators:

Dana’s Patreon Link = $5 USD (4-5 Backgrounds a month)

Dynasty’s Patreon Link = $6 USD (When possible)

Forum Background Creators:

Flower Griefer’s Forum - Backgrounds & Overlays

Shout Outs Forum - Backgrounds & Overlays

Samson’s Forum - Backgrounds & Overlays

Please, when you take things from a Creator. You MUST credit them either in your stories or however they’ve explained in their rules. Their drives/forums comprise of hours of placing/drawing/cutting all the pieces that make the background/overlay. The least we can do is credit them for their hard work.

Thank you very much if you’ve used someone here’s work and are already crediting them.


Side Note:
Although I appreciate every background creators hard work, I am no fan of AI generated backgrounds and apologies in advance for the other creators I didn’t mention on this. I went through very long lists and from them I found these creators to have some pretty awesome renditions of Episode edited backgrounds and super creative layouts/work.

If you’re a new creator feel free to mention yourself and show off your works below!

These are just recommendations from someone who also makes backgrounds so… yep :woozy_face:



I’m an overlay creator! I’ll share my link below :sparkles:


You are an absolute Queen for this!

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@Marysol.Episode also has free and payed back-ground drive :smile: :yellow_heart:
Here is her link


Thank you for mentioning my drive!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heartbeat:


Welcome boo!! Had to update, most links are broken these days so I went through so many lists of creators. Pages/drives and these were the only ones I thought were amazing quality :sob:🫶🏼

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I’ve seen, they’re nice :face_holding_back_tears:🫶🏼


Has anyone else paid for access to a drive but cone like 2 years later and it doesn’t exist anymore but the person who owns it is still apart of the community?:smiling_face_with_tear:

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Don’t forget to add @/CinnamonToast for forums backgrounds!

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Lowkey sounds like a bit of a rip but hopefully it comes back soon!! :sob: message them!

Already seen her work :face_holding_back_tears: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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It hasn’t been there for 2 years I don’t think it will LOL. I just thought of it cause it’s someone on the list but they have a new one now :see_no_evil:

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Thank you for the Shout-Out :strawberry: :star:


Very welcome boo!! 🫶🏼

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