🦋 Butterfly Shop! 🦋 (CLOSED)

Hello! I’d like to request a cover.

Large/small or both: Both

Ink or Limelight: LL

Story Title: HillGriff Academy

Author Name: RangoTheThing

Genre: Fantasy/Crime

Number of Characters: 2

Written Character details:

-Female Athletic Body ; colour (Gold 03)
-Arched Natural Scar (eyebrows) (dark black)
-Updo Curly Messy ; Dark Black (hair)
-Hooded Slender Almond Eyeliner (eyes)
-Diamond (face)
-Defined Natural (nose)
-Full round pouty vampire fangs (lips) ; colour (Red deep matte)


Character 2:
-Female Athletic Body (Gold 05)
-Arch Natural Scar (black jett) ; eyebrows
-Bantu Knots (platinum blonde)
-Angular Slender ; eyes (Brown Black)
-Diamond (face)
-Defined Natural (nose)
-Full round pouty ; lips ; (Blood Orange gloss)


Poses I’d like them to be doing
Character 1;

Character 2;
2021-08-16 (5)

I’d like the background to be;

And no extras,
Password: cupcake

Drawn pfp
Charecters detail
Neutral 03 athletic Body
Full heart deep red Mouth
Copper red princess braid Hair
Genetic blue-green eyes
Arched neutral brown black eyebrows
Password cupcake :cupcake:
Diamond Face
Button upturned Nose




Background school hallway

Hi, are you hiring? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey are you guys open?
I actually wanted to request an pfp

Here’s your form

Edited or Drawn: drawn
Character Details written: Body - female athletic (neutral 02)
Brow - arched thin (chestnut brown)
Hair - long down wavy princess braid (chestnut brown)
Eyes - female generic (dark brown)
Face shape - long diamond
Nose - grecian soft
Lips - full heart (pink gloss)
Outfit description:

What the edit is: I think the you mean style right? if yes it’s LL
download (1)

You can use zone 1

Pose - peace sigh :v:t2: (her left hand up) , smile on her face ,



Zoom like this.

Special details (optional): artist - @PropertyofNae
Password - Cupcake :cupcake:

And let me know if you guys aren’t open and if you want anything else :grin:
And like my message so that I’ll know you’ve accepted the request Or you can just reply :joy:

Hi are you receiving requests? :butterfly:

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Hey sorry y’all but this shop is closed :heart: