Cafe Background, Overlays, and Spot Template


Template for Overlays Only:

&overlay CAFE COUNTER create
&overlay CAFE COUNTER shifts to 0 111 in zone 1
&overlay CAFE COUNTER scales to .578 .578
&overlay CAFE COUNTER opacity 1
&overlay CAFE COUNTER to layer 1

&overlay CAFE CHAIRS create
&overlay CAFE CHAIRS shifts to 67 -382 in zone 1
&overlay CAFE CHAIRS scales to 1.657 1.657
&overlay CAFE CHAIRS opacity 1
&overlay CAFE CHAIRS to layer 10

#CASHIER to layer 0
#CUSTOMERS to layers 2-6
#MC’S to layers 7-9

Template for BG Characters:

(I use XTRA# for my customers and REST which is short for Restaurant Staff.)
(My MC’s are KYA and ROB.)

&REST spot 0.344 126 441 in zone 1 at layer 0 AND REST faces left AND REST is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop
&XTRA1 spot 0.416 91 404 in zone 1 at layer 2 AND XTRA1 faces left AND XTRA1 is talk_handsonhips_neutral_rear
&XTRA2 spot 0.735 179 251 in zone 1 at layer 3 AND XTRA2 faces right AND XTRA2 is talk_phone_surprised_happy_loop
&XTRA3 spot 0.795 23 235 in zone 2 at layer 2 AND XTRA3 faces right AND XTRA3 is idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop
&XTRA4 spot 0.795 101 245 in zone 2 at layer 3 AND XTRA4 faces left AND XTRA4 is talk_armscrossed_condescending_loop
&KYA spot 0.711 246 184 in zone 3 at layer 7 AND KYA faces left AND KYA is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear
&ROB spot .735 115 186 in zone 3 at layer 8 AND ROB faces right AND ROB is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear

Template for zoom on MC’s:
&pan to zone 3 in 4 THEN zoom on 0 0 to 119% in 2


Hey :heartpulse:
Is this background up for use? If so can I use it and how should I credit you?

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You can use it but I don’t really do the credit thing if I’m not charging anything. Thank you for offering though.

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Okay, thank you so much! It’s gorgeous btw

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Hey sorry to bother again :see_no_evil:
I was just wondering if you could reuppload the background or send it to me because I can download the overlays but not the background :heart:

Not sure if its gonna be a great resolution but this should work

Thank you so much! :heartpulse:

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