Can someone add posters to my background and change it up?

so I want to use INT. BLUE SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY but, I want the lockers to be black and the blue squares and the rim of the floor to be black (every blue piece turn black). Also can someone please add posters on the board.

I gotchu. Should have it done in like 20 minutes

Ha make that an hour.
Anyways, I put a poster of one of my stories (that I have yet to release RIP) as one of the posters. (Credit in a reader message or something would be cool too)

Hope this works for you, and happy writing!


oh ok cool! I will definitely credit you! thank you so much!

But I wanted it to be 3 panels, sorry if I didn’t include that if you can in your free time can you please make it into three panels. Sorry :frowning:

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No worries, that’s real easy!

Should be bigger now. If you have to change the size again (or change the size of any other photo)
Just go to (online photo editor) and theres a resize option letting you change the dimensions of any photo, that way they’re big enough to be as many panels as you’d like.

oh my god! thank you so much u the best!

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