Can someone please create a script template for this background?

If you can, please create a party template for this background. Thank you.

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What do you mean?

Make a script for the background.

You mean like where background characters are?

Yes :blush:

Episode gives you one.

? I mean like a custom template for the background. like where characters are placed and stuff. Episode doesn’t give one???

Where you go down it says “Script Templates.” And it basically has a script template where you place your characters.

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The background isn’t an episode background, will it still work?

Did your background get approved?

I’ve only just uploaded it.

It take’s awhile to get approved to so will have to wait.

I mean, sometimes people create their own custom templates for different backgrounds. I posted this so somebody could create one for me.

It is an episode background, just have Halloween decorations to it which I added, it will get approved. The whole background belongs to Episode except the Halloween decorations.

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