Car Overlays - Same Car, Different Angles

I’m hoping to find car exterior overlays at a side view and a slanted front view. Both overlays are of the same car and facing right.

Episode does not provide this, and I haven’t gotten any luck looking at creators’ overlay drives or the internet.

Side view:

Slanted front view (with the whole car visible):

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Is this okay?


It looks like this if you put carside2 on top of carside1


Yes, looks amazing! Thank you. Does this require any credit?

Nope, it’s from rawpixel but slightly edited by me :see_no_evil: I also have this car from front view if you want :smiley:


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Front view would be great too! Thanks a lot.

I know it’s off the topic sorry about that, but how can I code a car moving with the characters inside it without zooming

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Layer the characters under the car overlay and have them move the same distance in the same amount of time so like

&CHARACTER coordinates
@overlay CAR coordinates

&CHARACTERS move to x y
@overlay CAR move to x y

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