Clearing Some Stuff Up About Race, POC, Diversity and Racism

When you asked me why there are two words, (even though there are three and you’re forgetting prejudice), I specifically told you they’re different. Discrimination is an act. Prejudice is a mindset. Racism is either discrimination or prejudice but ONLY to do with race and ethnicity. Discrimination is not specific to race or ethnicity. Neither is prejudice.

I don’t see your point. Having prejudice leads to discrimination. Every one has prejudices to a certain extent but acting on those prejudices is discrimination.

It’s like the word “consumable”. It can either be food or drink, but not all consumables are food. However, all food is consumable. You’re badicallt arguing with me as to why there exists both the word “consumable” and “food”. Well, that’s because “food” is more specific and excludes “drink”.

Just like how racism excludes all the following types of discrimination.

Affirmative action
Allport’s Scale
Apostasy in Islam
Arab Slave Trade
Cultural assimilation
Discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS
Economic discrimination
Employment discrimination
Equal opportunity
Equal rights
Genetic discrimination
Ingroups and outgroups
Institutionalized discrimination
Intersex human rights
List of countries by discrimination and violence against minorities
Microaggression theory
Realistic conflict theory
Replication crisis
Second-class citizen
Social conflict
Statistical discrimination (economics)
Stigma management
Structural violence

Discrimination is general. As I said at the beginning, freckle discrimination exists. Discrimination to do with race has a more specific term. It’s called racism.

I think you seriously might have got your definitions mixed up. I mean, you didn’t even refer to race when talking about the definition of RACism

That’s my point. That’s why I don’t use the term racism when refering to sexism and everything else. That’s why those terms exist all on their own. We could cover them all with discrimination, but that would exclude the specific dynamics of each one. Racism serves a different purpose from sexism or ageism, or anything else. Sex is concrete. There are biological differences between women and men. Ageism is concrete. There are differences between older and younger bodies. We argue the extent of those differences all the time. But race is different. Race as it stands today is an ideology and thats different. grouping people together by skin pigment alone is very different

You referred specifically to race in your definition of prejudice and not on your definition of racism. Do you need me to bring up the definition from the dictionary again?

This is wrong.

This is also wrong.

I dont use the word race when defining racism because It ignores the fact that the idea of race changes over time and that what race means is determined by the dominant group.

Here are the actual definitions:




  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

“a programme to combat racism”

synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice/bigotry, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, bias, intolerance; More

  • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.




the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

“victims of racial discrimination”

synonyms: prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairness, inequity, favouritism, one-sidedness, partisanship;More

recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.

“discrimination between right and wrong”

synonyms: differentiation, distinction, telling the difference

That makes no sense whatsoever. Racism changes over time too. All words do. Everything changes over time. Even gender.

What wrong about it? I was arguing in context of race. I added that gender and sexuallity, amongst other things are part of it too. Seems like you’re choosing to ignore that.

Women don’t even look now how they did in history. Gender roles changed.

Look. You got your definition of discrimination wrong. Then you tried to claim that only systemic racism is real racism. If you look at the definitions, you’ll see that racism has nothing to do with the system or a power. It’s simply prejudice or discrimination to do with race

If you look at the definition of discrimination, you’ll see that it’s unfair or unjust treatment, not specific to race.

You can’t define RACism without using the word “race”! It’s in the word :joy::joy::joy::joy:

The dictionary doesn’t forget the most important part of the definition of racism.

If it’s not specifically about race, it’s not racism. It’s just discrimination.

Racial discrimination is called racism.

Sexual discrimination is called sexism.

Age discrimination is called ageism.

Disability discrimination is called ableism

Get it now?

Nope. I was arguing that racism as a term cannot be separated from the systems that create and promote it. That racism is related to discrimination but that racism cannot exist without the power structure it’s tied to. Discrimination is based on the individual wheras racism is tied to something bigger. Not at all talking about how people use it in everyday speech.

Discrimination is not based on an individual. Racism is not always a systemic thing.

A government can discriminate. A person can be racist.