CLOSED- Read for Read

Hello! Thank you for creating this thread.

I’ve read your story and sent the screenshot to you, so this is my story.

Name of Story: Reasons Why He Left
Author Name: Irong Lee
Genre: Romance
Instagram: @ironglee.episode

Description: You cannot forget your nice and considerate ex-boyfriend who walked out on you without any explanation, but when he comes back into your life, you find out he is not the person he used to be… A story about secrets, relationships, love, and Chinese mythology. [Customize characters and choices matter]

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Awesome! Can wait to read it! :heart:

Hey guys! Thank you for you patience!

I was in Haiti this week for my birthday and had really poor internet. I will be back in the USA tonight. All of you will be getting your screenshots throughout this week♥️

Thank you!

Here is my story,

Title: Agents of SPECTRUM
Author: Andrew (Drew) Jones
Style: Ink
Genre: Adventure
Chapters: 3 Publish so far
Description: When a young lady is recruited by a government agency, her life is changed forever.
Instagram: andrewjones.episodes

Author Name: am.writes

Title: Undercover Mother

Genre: romance

Description: Ashley gets the best of both worlds being an undercover spy and an average teenager. What will happen when she juggles her baby assignment and also try to keep up with Jermaine?

Hi there! If you would like to participate in the read for Read, you will have to fill out he link :slight_smile:

My first ever story, please feel free to check it out! :smile:

Title- The art of seduction
Author- Chy.dillon
Genre- Romance but will be abit of action
description- You start working at a nightclub, what happens when your recognized by your dads past? Will your dads actions catch up to you? Nothing is what it seems.
story link_

I Would apprieciate it so much if you could read my story and leave me any form of feedback!.. :blush:


Thank you to all of you who signed up for the Read for Read. @cbs_reviews is now open for read4eviews on instagram!!!

Closing per OP request :v:t2:

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