Coding question two errors

how i do fix these two errors in my script

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The one in the first photo is just a warning that appears with some animations and there’s nothing you can do to make it go away (unless you use a different animation).

As for the one in the second photo, there is a dash between the name of the overlay and the word shifts instead of a space!

oh okay thank you so much

i think i created another problem

The format is
&overlay OVERLAY NAME shifts to # # in zone #

so just move the name in front of the “shifts to” on line 202

thank you so much for your help

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No problem :slight_smile:

also sorry one more question how i get my characters to walk togther at the same whlie my background is moving then go in different directions after

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She has a script template for looping backgrounds that should give you the looping code and the opposite direction loop as well. Just follow her instructions and you can use any background as long as it’s sized to the dimensions she specifies. :slight_smile:
And for the walking together you’d code:
&NAME spot # # in zone # at layer # and NAME faces left/right and NAME starts walk_neutral_loop and NAME2 spot # # in zone # at layer # and NAME2 faces left/right and NAME2 starts walk_neutral_loop

**If you want one to walk off in one direction and the other to stay, you’d code the walking and whatever dialogue there is then add a static background (a non-loop version) and have one character doing an idle_animation and the other walks to spot # # in zone # in # (off to whatever side you want them to exit to). **edit ^^^ this applies to them walking in opposite. Change the background to a static version the code &NAME walks to spot ((off to the right) in # and NAME2 walks to spot ((off to the left)) in #.


okay thank you

my overlay isn’t working again

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You forgot to erase the _ that comes with the number thing 1336788852_OVERLAYNAME) on lines 202 and 203

so just a easer 203?

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Yeah, if you look at the code below it (the part that has a bunch of numbers then a _ before the name you gave the overlay), if you erase the numbers you have to get rid of that _, too.

so it should go from:
&overlay 123456789_NAME
&overlay NAME (no number or underscore)

so these be a easer
&overlay 4622412012584960_INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY scales to 0.964 0.964
@overlay 4622412012584960_INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY moves to layer 1
&overlay 4622412012584960_INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY 2 shifts to 39 293 in zone 1
&overlay 4622412012584960_INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY 2 scales to 1.054 1.054
@overlay 4622412012584960_INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY 2 moves to layer -1

Yes, I went ahead and did these so that you can see the difference using your own code :slight_smile:

&overlay INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY scales to 0.964 0.964
&overlay INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY moves to layer 1
&overlay INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY 2 shifts to 39 293 in zone 1
&overlay INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY 2 scales to 1.054 1.054
&overlay INT.FANCY BATHROOM OVERLAY 2 moves to layer -1

okay thank you so much

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No problem. Just remember the format and that if you erase the numbers that you get everything before the first letter of your overlay name. :slight_smile: Good luck with your story. If you need any more help with errors, feel free to tag me and I’ll do what I can or direct you to someone/somewhere to get the help you need. :slight_smile:

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thank you so much

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