DARA’S GUIDE: Overlays

@Faith.episode.cats :black_heart:


@overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER_2 create from CAR ANGLE SILVER
@overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER_2 scales to 1.5 1.5 in zone 3
@overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER_2 shifts to 220 85 in zone 3
@overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER_2 to layer 4
@overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER_2 opacity 1 in 0

You can name the duplicated overlay anything you want and I highly recommend to test this command out, it’s extremely cool! Remember that practice makes perfect! :blob_hearts:

Here’s another example:

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Thanks. I’ll try that

bump :wink:

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Can anyone make the TV Screen on this scene an overlay/transparent


I want to be able to show a clip on the screen behind the chair

I’ve watched videos on overlays. There used to be a ‘Directing Helper’ button, but I can’t find it anymore. Does anyone know how move overlays manually? :thinking:

“Show Helpers” >> “Spot Directing” >> “Change Overlay”

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Hey Dara I wanted my overlay to rotate a 0.5 0.5 and do infinite times at the same time but it won’t rotate from the center but I read it needs to be in the center of the PNG image (which I don’t understand) :joy: and it will only rotate one time when I put infinite. Here’s my script:

@overlay REDFLARE create
@overlay REDFLARE opacity 1 in 0
@overlay REDFLARE shifts to 113 316 in zone 2
@overlay REDFLARE scales to -0.907 -0.907
&overlay REDFLARE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 1 loop INFINITE times

The last line I tried @ and &

Look at the examples in the guide above. You have to click on the black arrows to expand and see the photo examples.

Um I used your template for avatar appearance and the “gotofemale 1” command doesn’t work pls help

This is off topic to this thread. Please reply on the correct thread or send me a PM

oof sorry :sweat_smile: :grin:

Can anyone help me? i want to place the table on a specific place but it wont go even if i wrote the spots. I just wanted like a school dean is talking to two girls on her office. BUT i cant find a way

Thank you!

Hey, does anyone know how to move an overlay into a different layer?

@overlay OVERLAY moves to layer #

thank you!

hi! i’m new to the whole episode community and i just have an error in my story and i need help.

so my overlay will appear in the middle of the scene so i would use “@overlay OVERLAYNAME create” but when i try to preview it, the overlay does not follow the command. but when i add the background line WITH the create command, it works but it would not follow the scenes i wanted.

i don’t know if it’s a glitch or something but i really hope you guys can help me :((

If you use the create command, you have to add the opacity command.
If you’re in a different zone, then you need to place the overlay in that zone otherwise the overlay will default to zone 1

thank you so much for replying! okay let me try if that worked.