DARA’S GUIDE: Typed-in Choices

Maybe use a point system. There are videos online and also forum posts about doing that

Is it possible to let the readers choose a number?
I want them to choose a point that the teacher should give to the student.
But the problem is, when I try to give ‘8’ they say that it’s to short, it must be with at least 2 characters.
Is their another way to let people fill in a number between 0 and 10?

Have the reader type in ‘8 points’ prompt them to type points after the chosen number

okay, thanks!

Hi, I’m writing a story and I’m having trouble with keeping the character the way that the readers are customizing them and the name that they gave them. How do I fix this?

Type in choices don’t work in the web preview, customisation doesn’t work either in later episode, but don’t worry everything will work fine for the readers :slight_smile: if you want to make sure check your story on the app preview

So the way the readers customize my character and their names will be consistent?

yes :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!

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Thank you i had this problem too.


Hi, can you help me? I have never had problems with name inputs before - that is, until I wanted a last name option as well. When I test it out on my phone, it works fine in regards to other characters saying the chosen name of my main character. But when my main character speaks or thinks, it say FIRSTNAME LASTNAME above the speech/though bubbles. So what did I do wrong? I also want my MC’s aunt to have the same last name, i.e. the last name the readers choose. I’ll attach my code and some screenshots. I hope you can help, I’m honestly desperate. (My MC’s script name is YOU and display name is FIRSTNAME LASTNAME)

Avatar - Name Input {YOU}

@YOU enters from left to screen center

So... what's your first name?

label first_name_input
input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)
if (FIRSTNAME is “”) {

You do need a name.

goto first_name_input
} else {

And your last name?

input What’s Your Last Name?|What’s Your Last Name?|Done(LASTNAME)
if (LASTNAME is “”) {

You do need a last name.

goto first_name_input
} else {


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The display name can only do one name at a time, you can’t combine 2 different customized names together unfortunately.

Oh, so I can’t have the readers choose both names?

You can for dialogue, you just cant have both names as the display name for the speech bubble.

Oh, okay!

What if I want a last name that I choose, but I still want the readers to choose the first name. What display name do I use then? YOU Parker for example?

If you want a typed in name to appear on top of the speechbubble, only that name can be the display name. If you add any other names to the display name, “NAME” will just show up as NAME Parker

Oh, I get it now! Thank you so much!

What happens if you want to put a choice to fix the name after they put it in?
for example, the Narrator goes
[Name]? That’s such a pretty name!
and then they have two choicesbelow like
“Thank you!” (and then they proceed to the story) or
“Wait that’s not my name!”

How would I do that?

Put a label right before the input code, then inside the “Wait that’s not my name” choice, put a goto that leads to that label

label name_choice

input What is your name? | What is your name? | Done (NAME)

[Name]? That’s such a pretty name!

“Thank you!”{
} “Wait that’s not my name!” {
goto name_choice

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