Discussion: 🥞 Breakfast for Dinner / 🍔 Dinner for Breakfast (poll)

Nah bish :raised_hands:t5: I just wanna eat :hamburger::hotdog::sandwich::pretzel::fries::pizza::shallow_pan_of_food::ramen::sushi::rice_ball::cookie::doughnut::chocolate_bar::candy::lollipop::birthday::custard::cake::bento::rice::takeout_box::pancakes:

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:herb: :eyes: :herb:

For me, I can have breakfast for dinner because it is usually a light meal but I CANNOT have dinner for breakfast because my breakfast is just bacon and eggs. @_@

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That makes sense!!! If you only have Bacon :bacon: and eggs :fried_egg: that would be a really thin dinner :shallow_pan_of_food:!!!



I had dinner for lunch today!!!

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