Discussion: Please Stop Complaining about Cliche story's!

I agree. I’m fine with rants and complaints, because that’s how we know something needs to be improved. But yes, you’re right, complaining 24/7 won’t help at all.
In my opinion, the biggest issue it creates is that original, creative stories have a much harder time to get readers’ attention, because Episode is filled with popular stories that have a cliche plot/concept. There are so many AMAZING stories that deserve wayyyyyy more reads. It’s baffling and sad that not as many readers get to enjoy such an overlooked story.


I absolutely agree with the last part. The worst part of it all is that; most people write cliché stories on this app because they know it’s going to top charts, get put on a shelf, get featured (bought), and get a lot of reads. So, that’s why we are complaining aside from the problem themes that some cliche stories has. It’s the fact that, authors keeps writing these washed down stories because of how well they will do, and that prevents actual stories with meaningful, and original plots from doing good on the app.


LOUDER for the back! :clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5:


But how do you know why they write them?

If someone said that’s why I write them, I would be a little annoyed.
I write them because I love them. :heart_eyes:
(I sometimes think my stories are cliche, but I dunno really. :woman_shrugging:)


Because you can always tell when someone is writing a story for attention instead of writing it because they like it. Ex: An author writes some amazing content that has little to no clichés in it. But, those stories aren’t doing well. So, they decide to write a cliche which then brings in most of the traffic so they continue to do it.

But, of course, there are some people who like to write them because they love them. Like you.


This. There was a story I adored because it was very unique and beautifully written. It had some reads, it got featured, but it was not that popular you know. Since then the author removed (!) this story from her profile, just to replace it with some real crap that is now getting millions of reads. And I don’t want to offend any authors who think they write cliche stories, because believe me when I say crap, I don’t mean cliche, I mean crap. I was very disappointed, because I know that she can actually write great content, she’s just refusing to do that


I think I know what author and story you’re talking about

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What people want to get with complaining? Take off them from episode?
I have read some cliche stories ,and some of them are very good.


Disagree, when I’m looking for something good to read, it takes hours to sift through the cliches, I’d read them but at this point they’re too predictable.


Mobile creation was taken off. When I and others were complaining about it, we were told to shut up because it was gone. Why can’t we here complain about something we don’t like, but shut up when something we cherished is taken away from us?


True facts


It’s Episode Circle of Life.

Readers who love to read cliches. Authors who just writes cliches for more reads and retention. And some even to the writer’s payment. If we explore the playstore app, most of the other interactive stories also involve romances. So it’s a business.

Anyone seeing a vacuum blackhole sucking of souls pattern here? Here I shall list the various degrees.

Degree 1:

Personally, there isn’t a problem with cliches but when too much of one thing, everything becomes homogenous and blend with one another. Diversity? Hahaha. We can tolerate it to some extent but different people have different limits. Some can tolerate it abit more than others but for how long? We are humans. We will get bored with repetitive over and over the same content even if a lie twist and stuff. It’s human nature. We crave something new most of the time. We don’t want to be stagnant. We want to keep moving and progress forward. The real world is broad and diverse. So this should also be reflected in episode stories where most of us especially younger generation spend their time on. Younger generations are generations of the future.

Degree 2:

Second argument, when cliches bring harmful messages. Yes all stories to a certain extent do but which stories are more in the spotlight and favourite among readers thus all attention goes to it? Cliches yes.

So with widespread audience potentially reading cliches with harmful messages (intentionally or not), this does matter to some extent.

Degree 3:

When episode readers actually taking it too far and bring them into real life. If they act like this harmful characters in real life, they will risk harming their relationships with their friends, families and potential employers. They will not know barriers or respect each other boundaries. The difference in mentalities and this in turn will upset alot of people in their real life.

You might think ‘What come on that’s not true.’

Yes how sure are we? We don’t live in a perfect world. We do know there are insecure people in this world but we don’t know who, where, how, many and what would be their course of action in the near future or distant future as a result of these stories. Granted, the stories alone won’t be enough trigger for most but imagine they have poor choices of friends, family house problems and they look into Episode for escape and they read such stories. Their thoughts would be different from someone without those issues reading it. So we have to be mindful what and how we portray stuff in our stories.

Degree 4:

If these kids will end up portraying the characters from Mafia in real life, they will face consequences unlike in Episode. They will go to jail, ruin their lives and their love ones. These is the extremely harsh end of the degree scale.

Once again, these are potential impacts from a simple mere story. Stories are powerful. They are messages. They are inspirations. They are vital to any surviving community.


I agree, if you don’t like cliche’s then don’t read cliche’s! Completely fine! I will admit I’m guilty of complaining about cliche’s too but I don’t hate on the creators of this story or even the contents itself, I just complain about people using it too much.

I don’t think there is a problem with cliche stories unless they are promoting unhealthy, toxic behaviour. For an example, I really have a big issue with the trope of a girl who makes a cold-hearted, ruthless gang leader fall in love with her, and even though he’s abusive it’s completely fine. Not because of mafia stories! If you want to write a mafia story, go for it! I have a problem when you romanticise toxic, abusive behaviour.

I don’t tend to like cliche stories so I won’t read them, but I will complain and speak out against stories that promote unhealthy behaviour.


That’s true rather it’s cliche or not.
You have to be careful

I know I’m super late to the party and therefore bumping a thread I don’t want to bump but THANK YOU!
Also, here’s my own thread about this and I’ll just copy-paste the end of my main post over here because I think it could be helpful for anyone struggling with understanding what is or is not a cliché (no shame in that, I also was confused about it before doing the research):

Hope this helps~ :sparkling_heart:


AYYY!! YEESSS!!! (Totally not saying cuz all my plots end up being cliches🙈)