DISCUSSION: The All Able Shelf

This morning I checked the Episode app and was pleasantly surprised to see a new shelf of stories including disabled characters!

I personally think this is a huge step towards Episode’s diversity standards. What are your opinions on the shelf? Discuss!


Can you put up or name the stories they used?

I got chu-

Forbidden Wings by Rebecca V. @rebecca.stories
The Most Powerful Scream by CatEyedGoddess @cateyedgoddess
The Triangle by Lady Bird @LadyBirdEpisode
The #MeMeME Generation by Lissia A. @Lissia
To Love and Be Loved by Steele Mongolia
18 SECONDS by Sofia @Sofia_Taffs
The Crimson Keeper by Sylvia Eve @Sylvia_Eve
H & V : From Zero to Hero by Dr.Smile @Dr.Smile07
Falling For Us. by Eva Allison


I just want to comment that at this moment (already a few hours after the shelf was dropped), there are two stories with <1k reads, 3 more stories under 5k and two more under 20k. Only one story has over 100k.

I’m happy to see 18 Seconds on here as it was one of recommendations, is currently on my recommendation shelf and I definitely think it fits the theme (the MC is blind). The cover has recently been changed. Honestly I think it was a little more clear that the MC is blind in the old cover, but that’s mentioned in the description anyway. I definitely recommend this one but it currently only has three episodes and isn’t complete.

I’ve read Forbidden Wings but I can’t remember the disability? :see_no_evil: I’m only up to episode 3 though and I read it back when it was a fantastical entry so I don’t remember much. I really enjoyed it and keep meaning to continue.


(has anyone noticed that I’m lowkey tagging more and more people from the forums? yay!)

Anyway I’ve read one before the shelf, and I’m glad it got picked for the shelf. I wrote lots of good things about the story (reads over notes while typing this)- but the reason I didn’t recommend it is because I read till Episode 5 the mental health dies takes a back seat and it became a love fixes all type of story.


Y’all better read The Most Powerful Scream or I snap


I was featured because I have ADHD. Not the story.


To Love and Be Loved is by @SteeleMagnolia :slight_smile:


So is the shelf supposed to be stories written by authors with disabilities as well as stories? (Finally another person that understands how ADHD is a disability :relieved:)


I’ll make sure to read the stories when I get the chance. Feel free to share what you think about them!

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Exactly right! Some fit both qualifications and some fit only one. Regardless I’m very honored to be on such a meaningful shelf.


I agree with you @c.e.p.i, this is an amazing shelf.

So H & V : From Zero to Hero is actually one of my favourite stories. The concept is very unique, the author has an amazing writing style and the romance aspect in this is one of the cutest I’ve ever seen on Episode. I really need to comment on how suitable the author’s username is: she really did put a smile on my face multiple times with this story, I have no doubt it will give positive vibes to anyone reading it.

I read the first episode of #MeMeME Generation and from that I’m not entirely sure how it fits the shelf, but I guess I will continue to find out.

Forbidden Wings and 18 seconds look pretty engaging, so I added them to my reading list but honestly I don’t know why because there are already so many stories there, I will probably never get to read them… Who am I kidding, I will read them anyways :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The shelf is comprised of stories with characters with disabilities but ALSO stories that are written by those with disabilities.

So in my case, Forbidden Wings doesn’t have any characters with disabilities, but I have ADHD. That’s why I’m on the shelf.

I believe it’s a similar case with the author of #mememe generation.


The #MeMeMe Generation’s description says “being fatally ill” so she might have an illness


I have a disability and that’s why my story is on the shelf :slight_smile:


@Lissia, @rebecca.stories Oh I thought it was only about the stories but I understand now :slightly_smiling_face: Congrats to both of you!


It is. I have Profound Hearing Loss.
Congratulations by the way! :black_heart:


Thanks :3

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Thank you! Congratulations to you as well!

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Thank you!