Discussion: Unfair Treatment

Here’s one thing that bothers me, is when other authors say, you are not writing to get reads but for the joy of writing etc., etc. First of all, this statement bothers me. Of course, I’m writing because of my love of it. But is it wrong to want reads too? I want to know that people are enjoying my story and want to read it, because that’s why people write, to share the stories they wrote for other people to enjoy. I don’t begrudge anyone their success, but I sometimes feel these popular authors make that type of statement, forgetting what it’s like to struggle to get readers. What bothers me is authors who rose up the ranks and initially had supported new authors before they were popular but not anymore. I realize when you are very popular, you don’t have the time to support everyone. However, if this person is supposed to be your friend, maybe they can make the time.

Episode has made some effort to help new and struggling authors, but not as much as they can. Having a shelf for authors under 1K reads would be helpful and a shelf for new and upcoming authors too.

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to express my feelings.


Some popular authors actually put even more effort into their new stories, probably because they have improved a lot in directing and also don’t want to disappoint their readers. Others may publish trashy stories sometimes, but you know if I was paid to write and didn’t have any original idea, I guess I would do the same thing. Wouldn’t you?
Also I would be pretty upset if my favourite author decided to stop writing just because she/he wanted to give the spot to others (even if the “others” included me).
As it was already mentioned, Episode is really trying to promote new, unknown stories but they can’t force the community to read them. One of my favourite writers (with a few thousands of reads) was featured a few weeks ago, and she got like 10K reads on her story since then. I believe really popular authors have this number in a day or even in a few hours… So even with Episode’s support there is no guarantee people will read your story, some of them just prefer to keep reading the same kind of stories (and often the same kind of bullshit) over and over again.


I love your ideas @Rune.episode. Did you post them in the suggestions section of the forum?

I 100% agree, but also I feel like more author’s stories should be on the featured page because There’s only a few of their stories on featured. The rest are stories made by episode. @Briana_M

Hey Episodian fam! If you can, can someone please take all the key points from this topic and organize them in a detailed yet easy to read and understand reply? I want to be able to present this to the team but all the facts, details, examples, etc are all over the place. Please tag me when you have it complete. Thanks :nerd_face:


Can you also provide any specific examples? We can tell the team that this is a fact until we are blue in the face. But if we cannot provide proof, it might be a bit more difficult.

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Thank you for sharing to @Jeremy !

Also, that was great how I mentioned how if it was suggested in the forums and then @Jeremy responded to this post. I love your suggestions!

Hi pals! Your favorite justice warrior -that sounds cringy- is here! Remember the petition to support smaller authors? That was mainly directed at contests, but for all stories, we do need a new shelf. Anyone would like to start a petition with lots of signs and email Episode? That could solve your problems! :nerd_face:

To be honest with you…doing what I suggested above would more than likely be far more effective.


Of course Jeremy! But showing many people are supporting this would help right?

Most companies frown upon or do not allow petitions on their forums. And isn’t this threads purpose to show Episode that people support this idea?


What do you mean? I started this thread to simply voice my opinion about how I feel about the platform.

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There is a large group of people in this topic that agree with what you are saying. If those users could get together to create some sort of organized reply with the purpose, details, examples, opinions and names it will help when I present this to the team. No worries, there is nothing wrong with your topic. :slight_smile:


Okay. So how would we do that? How do we come up with a sort of ‘protest’ to get Episode’s attention?

Thanks to the people that agree with what I am saying. I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt this way about episode. @Jeremy has suggested that we come together with all of our opinions, thoughts, and suggestions to present them to the team (Episode). I for one would love to do this because we’re sort of protesting for what we want to see, and what could be done to solve this issue. Please reply back if you would like to come together to present this issue to Episode.


I wouldn’t mind, but is the right solution to do this?

Well, this is one way of showing many people are supporting these ideas.

Yeah, and that’s one of my issues.

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Yeah you’re right. I think I have an idea. I’m going to basically summarize this thread so Jeremy can tell his team. Therefore, they can make some changes to Episode.