Do readers really really like stories with choices?

I don’t mind choices, or the points system, if they actually matter.

For example, similar to what GRH said, I dislike when the choice seems completely pointless. I’d prefer to make a choice that impacts the story and/or my points.

I also prefer when I’m being given a bunch of choices that help shape who or what my character is. I’m currently writing a story inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, as well as Baldur’s Gate 3, where I’ve given the reader a few choices on what their class is. (Bard, wizard, etc).

I wouldn’t stop reading a story if it had no choices, or the points system, so long as the storyline itself is interesting. :smiling_face:

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Both kinds of stories exist. Episode’s whole thing is kinda supposed to be interactive, you know, but still- both kinds of stories exist. But, you’d be surprised how much interactivity helps the reader- even if the choices don’t change the story all too much.

One of the stories I have- I have been working on this one for years- used to have no choices at all. I eventually incorporated choices, not only because it will undoubtedly help, but also because it just gives your story more range. Do you have multiple ways you want to explore a character? Use branchpaths! Have multiple outfits you love to death? Use choices! Interactivity is just a good opportunity to bring your story to life- big or not.

I think you should use choices, regardless of what kind of story you’re writing, you will always be able to fit them in- big or small. So why not? A good use of choices only has benefits, it’s worth it.

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I love that you made a poll I’m definitely going to keep this up while I plan out my story! I swear everything you do is always so helpful!!

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Thank you! I agree that choices help a story and this part that you ^ mentioned about this part it gives the story a more “real feel” :blob_hearts:

Ooo I like that part of your story it would make it enjoyable for them and the class to choose from!

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I agree Episode is more interactive and I want to have both ways for it! But my stories (2 on-going) have a point system that makes it more enjoyable. I do like the mini outfits & makeup and all that.

But I think for this story I am going to add some unique choices since my story is way different from my 2 ongoing stories! :blob_hearts:


omg you’re so sweet! I really try and help cause I want everyone to be able to write with as much ease as possible <3

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Update :saluting_face:

So I decided to add choices, but they will not affect the plot/story. It is a win-win readers will get choices that they can decide on 3-4 each episode (besides dress up/makeup/cc) that will bring the story to life even more! But no point system - I am too lazy to make a new point system check out my other stories if you want a point system :rofl: :blob_hearts:


honestly i don’t mind!

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I have read some with no choices besides clothing that were :chef:
Just do what you feel is right for the story!


I love choices, hate point systems. Why do I love choices, because Episode is an interactive game. I even don’t mind if there are no choices, because then it’s more story telling.
But point systems? I hate them with a passion. Why? Every time I end with 0 points because I make the right wrong choice. I end at the totally opposite side than I want. I’d like to make my own choices and I am a person that is very bummed when I get 5 points out of the 242402 total points. Than it’s not funny anymore for me and I leave the story.

As a reader I like to take a lead how my story goes that I read. When the author decides there is no CC and there are no choices, the story goes how the author sees the story and I will respect that. But with a point system: hell na, the story can go twenty thousand ways and never ends the way I like it. (That’s how I see the point system in a story.)

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