Do you hate your character?

For all my writers!!
Have y’all ever written a story and one of the side characters that you made, you just hate or dislike VERY strongly. I’ve noticed that for my story, I just REALLY don’t like one of the guys. I’ve written him to be a complete asshole to the point I don’t even like him

noticed this when i thought of killing him off :sob:


Not me. When I write villains, I start with a villain arc to show how he became the way he is. And my villains are all grey morally. They think they’re the hero and in the right.


I think I strongly disagree with some characters actions I make, but I think that’s a great part of writing. Making someone feel an emotion, including hate, makes me know I’m doing something right in the story. Making readers, (including myself) feel an emotion toward mine or anyone else’s character/writing is the goal of mine and others I imagine. Planning and writing character development is a challenge. So, I’d say if you hate them, you’re doing something right.


There are some characters that I find very annoying as I write to the point that I can’t bear to see them on the screen. So, I kill them off. Or I wouldn’t be motivated to write further. Funny how is death of a character is oddly motivating for me.


Nope. I don’t agree with all of them, but I do love em. I spend a lot of time creating my characters, both appearance and personality. It’s a common thing for writers to kill off a character they don’t like- but I believe this is as wrong as it can get. You’re writing a story, it does not make sense to want a character to be punished simply because you, as the writer, don’t like them. It just doesn’t make sense in the story.

I don’t believe you’re supposed to dislike any of your own creations at all… A character is not a person, so them being an asshole isn’t a good reason to dislike them. For me, the only way I could dislike any of my characters is if I’m not satisfied with them. Maybe I wrote them too flat, maybe I haven’t done enough with them. Maybe I don’t like where I took said character, etc…

Still, if you don’t like your character personally, you can always redeem them. It happens, it happens a lot- both in stories and in real life.

To me, every character is important. The ones who aren’t, I barely call characters. They’re all part of the stories I write, and I can’t push it further without them. They’re crucial.


I think because I have a full understanding of the way they act, I can sympathise and make excuses for them. So I wouldn’t say I hate/dislike them. There are just characters I like more than others though.

Although I have to say, there are two characters in my story who I cannot make excuses for, but I don’t really hate them because they are the best villains I’ve ever created and really shake the plot- something I wouldn’t be able to do without them, so how can I hate them, really? My readers seem to get VERY emotional regarding them, so I think I’m doing a good job haha!


Haha it really is. I definitely wrote him in a way i could possible finds soome way to redeem him but the question is if I really want to :rofl:

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I understand what you’re saying because I did make him and I worked hard to get to the point where I don’t even like him. I don’t really think I’ll kill him off because he does shake things up in my story. I do like the idea of redeeming him and if i can think of a way I definitely will.


Thats a good way to think about it haha! Thinking about it now that I’ve actually slept I wouldn’t say I exactly HATE him but I still don’t like him!


So far no, but the realizing you hate your character when you want to kill them off is so funny :sob:


That’s what happens when I stay up until 3 am coding and he pops up :rofl:


I think with mine, I made a team that essentially hunts down vampires (for centuries, they are immortals themselves using vampire blood) and reset any human’s memories of what happens and even those on their ‘team’, so on one hand, they think they are doing the right thing but there will be a point why are they doing this and who for? Why can’t they just leave? etc.


Helena Charon from Deadly Nightshade is one I can think of. She’s a major narcissist and I genuinely hated her as I was writing her/her arc. She gets her punishment and BOYYYY is it worth it. :sob:

I think if I hate my own characters, that means I’m doing a fine job of writing them. And I enjoy writing morally grey characters partially for that reason. Making my readers feel a certain way about my characters is my main goal. I don’t want them to feel nothing, I want them to be angry, sad, disgusted. I think of my characters as people, you can feel neutral, mad, happy, anything about them. It’s fun to explore!


HAHA I love that!
I decided that he’s definitely going to get what he deserves BUT… I guessss I won’t kill him off :cry:


Meh. His death could be fun to write!

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I’m notttt tempting you!


Okay… maybeeeee.

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LMAOOO I’m actually so close to doing it but i can’t!!!

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I’m messin with you! It’s up to you, truly, but the best way to determine how to punish a character, is by giving them a fitting punishment for their crimes.

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Yeah I know!! I have a whole death scene/plan for him written out but I also have another punishment written out and now I just have to stick to one

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