Episode Harmony Poetry Contest

I be putting up the rubic tommorow everyone who’s entering











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Oh nm I get it


Wow yes I want to join… sometimes I just go into super lost girl mode :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

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She reaches high
Day by day she hears voices
Playing along to a tune
But not her tune
Dry words can not moisten a parched soul
For those words are not hers
She reaches high
Never being sure of
A clear view of her goal
But not sure of
Her goal being clear
She reaches high
Loving and being loved
Not wanting to fail
Or disappoint
She would not disappoint anyone
But herself
She reaches high
But how can she reach for something she Does not truly want?
She reaches high
To be
Goal oriented
And balanced
With her own self
She reaches high
For harmony

-Lost Girl aka Chrisauntae


Lil somn nothin special
Idk I feel like it about harmony… just harmony with yourself🤔

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It’s a bit simple, but what’s the fun in not joining:

Who can sail to the worlds end?
Who can sail without fear?
Who can sail away from a friend,
without shedding a tear?

I can sail to the worlds end,
I can sail without fear.
But never sail away from my friend,
without shedding a tear.


Hahaha «Lost girl aka Chrisauntea». :heart:

Love your poem!

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Ok here’s my entry


You can’t know
How I feel
When you were never there
It’s a lie
Your a cheat
But still
I keep
Coming back for answers
But I leave
With a hole on my heart
Oh how do you play the victim
when my blood was shed

But instead
Inside my mind
I only see you
But you toar me down
Ripped a hole right through
I never knew if it was hard for you
As you were never there
And as
A bird
Flies by
I’ll never forget
How you made me cry
Through the night
I’ll never forget the scars
Because they are still there
But yet here you are
It’s just a illusion
It has to be
I ran so far
I keep running
Cause when I open my eyes
To the sky
And back your still there
Maybe if I try my best to let go
But you never let go of my hair
Pulling me closer sending chills
How I might turn out
Was that something you thought
A little girl running
Now a women
Mayne if I go back
Face you without a fright
Maybe if I try to let go
You’ll Leave my dreams
The hauntings you sprung
You’ll let me be
And maybe
I’ll have harmony


Thank you! :hugs::heart::heart:

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It’s really good!

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This is really good​:heart::slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks lol.


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I’ll enter! I’m not really good at this though.

The world had always been one sphere,
It held 7 billion people at estimate.
The world started with few,
And growing,
And worsening.
Alas, In the years before war,
Men helped men,
Kindness beheld all.
One beautiful word.
Perhaps melodic.
Perhaps silent.
Then came evil.
Then came revenge,
Quid pro quo.
On sweep of an ugly thing,
One stab that cost a life,
One sip and one might fall,
One snap and all could die.
Soiled, soiled, earth.
Covered, covered,
Where all stood.
And it continued.
Where one might not know,
Of those beautiful days,
Where the sky was blue,
Bluest like all hadn’t happened,
And now,
Grayest as sadness,
Grayness as darkness.
Where one might think,
We had such a beautiful thing?
It was beautiful.
We found another sphere,
Name in the god of war.
Perhaps, perhaps,
It might not bring war,
But in irony,
It was the name to it.
It would not be an everlasting thing.

Sorry, it’s a little cheesy,
By the way, Quid pro quo means “a favour or advantage granted in return for something.”
And Mars is the god of war.
So the other sphere is Mars, (planet)


Could I enter on behalf of Episode Bliss? I’ve never seen something like this, and it looks fun and interesting!


Sure a


:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:Hello fam welcome to Episode harmony poetry contest​:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

Cough cough cough cough

:heart:Hello everyone we welcome you to Episode harmony 2018 poetry contest we will be hosting this contest every time theres a new year. As you may know we have some awesome poetry people that loves to write poems. So why not host a contest about poetry were everyone can share there poems and read poems and most of all have fun listening to them and writting them. There are so many kind of poems and so many kinds of words. So why dont we put them in poems. Enough of my boring words lets move on to the guidelines of this contest.:heart:


  1. You must have this written by you no one else

  2. You must tell us what poems you have written

  3. You must follow the rubric

  4. You must sent your entery before stember 2

  5. Please respect the judges decions

  6. If your gonna use someones poem please asl them first

  7. You must not start drama or any fight

  8. Please be paitent for the results

  9. Please do not try and bribe any of the judges to let you win

  10. You must have 2-12 poems

And thats all the rules. If you fail to follow this rules you will be disclafie.

Now lets move on to how this contest will be working

:sparkling_heart:As you may know this is a poetry contest, and a lot of peope loves poetry so its time for them to write one made by them we will be judging them and will be picking 3 winners that will be helping us with our charity event and we will be sending all poems to people who are sick and have illness as a way to show this peope to keep fighting for there life and stay strong no matter how hard it is as you may not know one of our member family has a illness and she wants to help her however she cans so she wanted to host this poetry contest to help her fight for her life and stay strong. We will be donating 5 dollars for each people who enters to charity. With out any further notice lets go to the rubric​:sparkling_heart:

Now that everyone has seen the rubric lets go to our judges so if you have any questons just ask them or comment down and we will be answering all questons thank you everyone for entering and supporting this contest

  1. @Epy.raven

  2. @Rac5el

  3. @L.I.W.F

Now that everything is settele without any further notice… LETSSS STARTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!

With love~
Episode harmony

#Poetry #Stickingwithharmony #Teamharmony #Donating #Charity #Helping






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