Episode INK Preview won't show characters

I’m creating my first INK story, and I’m using the commands

@ABIGAIL enters from right to screen center’

It runs through but never shows that happening. I’ve also tried to make the character talk, and when it does it shows a tiny image of the character. I’m previewing via computer. Should I use my phone instead, or am I doing something wrong?

I suggest trying your phone first, then if it doesn’t work let me know and I can try to help.

When they start talking, do you just see a bubble with their head? Sounds like you might be using Spotlight. If you want to be able to direct your characters, you should select the “Full Body” directing style when creating your story.

Yeah, that’s what happens. So how would I change it?

You will have to create a new story and choose the “Full Body” directing style instead while creating it. You can change it at the 2nd window where it has automatically selected Spotlight by clicking on the arrow to the right.