[Game] Why? đŸ€” The New Game!

Because you were thirsty!

Why am I crying my eyes out?

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Because your hearts broken

Why do I hate school?

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Because school sucks

Why am I extremely happy today?

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Because you found the love of your life

Why am I weirded out?

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Because we are all a little weirded out at certain things.

Why is it so hard to be so far away from someone?

Because things are meant to be somewhere for a reason

Why do I hate humans ;-;

Because humans don’t understand

Why am I a potato

Because everyone loves fries (Lmfao wth)


Because your hair doesn’t like you.

Why do I care so much for @lilysmith10?

Because its meant to be

Why do I love Grey’s Anatomy

Because its a good show

Why am I here?

Because you are bored

Why is @Doksanwrites my best friends?

Because you need to get smarter

Why is my phone about to die?


Because it longs for the sweet release of death after its charger was brutally taken from it

Why do I randomly shake my head sometimes?

Because it’s fun to do.

Why am I laughing right now?

Because you didn’t sleep.

Why do I want to go to Washington in June?
