Girl group names?

Hi everyone :blush:!
I was working on my story, which (as cliche as it sounds) includes a ‘mean girl group’. I need some help thinking of catchy names the group could have (they could be various words, one-word names, or even use acronyms).
Any ideas :thinking:?

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I have a few ideas! :two_hearts:

  • Beautiful brats
  • Fashionable fallacious
  • gorgeous gang
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Ooooo I love gorgeous gang!! Thank you for the suggestions :heartpulse:!

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I hope I helped. :two_hearts:

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So you need are some mean girls name right

Well, I already have mean girl names, but I would appreciate if you could advise names for the whole group like ‘gorgeous gang’ which Chloe.episode123 suggested :blush:.

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