Happy Birthday Zara! 🌺

:heart: Happy Birthday Zara! :heart:

@Epi.milkyway we wanted to wish you a happy birthday and the best day ever from some of your friends. We’re so happy to have you on this forums and as our friend.
You mean alot and impact us greatly in our lives.
:heart: We love you so much and got together in a pm to plan out something for you!

From me (Leslie) part 1

The most beautiful and sweetest human being ever :crown: Zara you are my ride or die :star_struck: , I basically would kiss the ground you walk on. I can’t believe we were able to get close in a short amount of time. We knew each for about 3-4 months now and been your wife for 3 months and my phone is already filled with edits I have made for you oml but it’s a nice thing to look over when I’m down. It’s so easy talking to you. I know I’m able to trust you and you always have my back and I always have yours. I never regret any second with you. I could stay up til 3am making something for you, or just thinking of what I’m going to say. You’re probably the one who makes me like this :pleading_face::heart: Before I didn’t write paragraphs or anything for anyone but I guess you made me sweeter and showed me to take more consideration and thought for my friends. I’m sorry if I spam you too much with this but I just wanted to to let you know how much I feel :purple_heart:Our whole friendship has been pretty crazy (good way) everything just bought us closer and stronger together. The cutest person ever and just so much I could say to describe how much you mean to me but like there’s not enough words. And when I’m upset, you send me some music that helps calm me down which makes me feel much calmer and I really do appreciate it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: life is strange is an amazing game even better that you like it too thank you so much for recommending it to me. You truly have the best taste and know best in everything. You’re still the only one in my favorites on ZEPETO and you do have my favorite and the prettiest one such a luck you are prettier in real too. Even when Zepeto updates I like looking over the poses to see if there’s anything cute I can make out of it for us. And we have matching pfp which makes my day so much. You make me smile and laugh out of nowhere by now my family is concerned about it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: You know more than I do :joy::joy::joy: you’re so hardworking and I really do look up to for that. Please know with any score or any grade you have I’m proud of you because I know how hard you tried and everyone else should know it too. I never seen any so dedicated like you and that’s why I look up to you. Happy Birthday Queen you deserve the best birthday ever and I wish you many more to come :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: by the time you wake up please check my story so you can see an edit (not drawn nor edited but a video) I made for you :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: also Happy 3 months anniversary :relieved::sparkling_heart: these have truly been the best times and I’m happy to spend my time here with you. We first started talking as mutuals. We weren’t close but we were in the same friend group also I did debate some on your Flat Earth thread which resulted in me being that crazy hippie flat earther. I was so embarrassed to get a pm asking for my character details because I didn’t think you would actually put me in your story, from the screenshots I’ve seen I already love it. I remember one night being so upset and just really in a messed up place after a fight with a ex friend and everyone was pming me that night but I left them on read because I was just that upset but then I got a pm from you which I felt like I could trust you and talk to you. That honestly was the best decision ever. I feel so comfortable and a peace when I’m talking to you because I know all my secrets and thoughts are safe with you. Like the SE said we’re the moms of the group :rofl: at least we the coolest ones :smirk::sneezing_face: My heart breaks everytime you get upset or feel down because I can’t be there to hug you or hang out :pensive::heart: how we have to be so separated but I guess that’s how the world is. Either way nothing is going to stop me from being here for you forever :cupid: just 3 more years now (I turn 15 soon ;)) You are gorgeous :rose: I’m not just saying it because you’re my wife, I’m saying it because it’s true and you deserve to hear it the millions of times I’ve said it. Also I love having conversations about anything with you :heart: you’re one of the most relatable person I know and it’s easy to talk since we have alot of agreements and same beliefs/thoughts on some topics. I appreciate you so much and I’m so happy to have you in my life. You mean so much to me and I cannot believe how lucky I am to have the best wife and friend ever. I could never replace you with anyone because you’re absolutely so special and everything to me :pleading_face::dizzy: I love talking to you and just anything that has to do with you. You make my heart skip beats :two_hearts: writing paragraphs and essays for you are so easy and my favorite thing to do. You deserve to love yourself and be proud with who you are. You bring my best qualities, kindness and consideration out because I want to be like you. I think I wrote alot in some people eyes but I could write way more I’m just scared of it being too much :joy::cupid:I know we always talking about meeting up in New York and I really am planning on going to there. Just for you because that’s on my wish list, the very top. Just to see your beautiful smile and self in person is going to be one the best things that ever happened to me. I’m going to hug you until you turn purple omg sorry but I really am excited :heart: to those people who are missing out on one of the most brilliant, beautiful, kindest, sweetest people ever please treat her right like she’s is deserved to be. I hope you find happiness in ur life and are happy because you honestly deserve the best out of life. I listen to happy songs which remind me of moments with you and our talks. I even trusted you so much for I telling you stuff that are really hard for me to say to anyone else. You make me feel happy and safe. I can’t believe you’re my wife and I’m still shook how amazing you are. I’m so happy to see the real you, the smart, kind, considering, funny, interesting person you are. You also are hella talented, please don’t forget that. I really love your style and it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to watch you grow more and be yourself. You are a true queen well MY queen. I stayed up some nights to work on stuff for you including that story which was really small but I did like it myself and I hope you enjoyed yourself. I’m happy to make anything for you, for God’s sake I would even stay up a night just to have a conversation with you. I remember talking to you on Instagram about how the landscape is here and how we have trees everywhere, I even sent a picture of my backyard which I don’t show to just anyone :cupid: and then the day before or after we talked about my favorite chicken place LOL sjjsjsjus i hope can bring over some or you can come here a try it :cupid: I tried video star just to make you an edit but it was difficult for me :sneezing_face: but I did make you something and I begged my parents for some money to buy transitions so I can make it perfect for you. You have seen the happy, sad, annoyed (never at you), angry, excited me but never judged and just stuck by me which I really do appreciate and admire from you. Thank you for listening to me and thank you for allowing me to trust you. I’m happy I can do it it return. I was so excited for this day btw that I even cried from anxiety in trying to make it perfect for you. You are my main inspiration and my favorite moments to have in life with. Also show me I mean something and I’m loved. Without you I’d gone crazy, well fully. You never failed at making me smile. Thank you for protecting me also :heartbeat: All you make me say is “Awe” constantly because you’re so cute and adorable omg. I say this so much but I mean it way more than I love you so much bby! Don’t let anyone get to you and be the strong girl I know you are. :heartbeat::rose:
~ Les :hibiscus:

I wrote way more on Instagram (or I’m writing more on Instagram, I might have not posted it yet.)
I’ll write more down here in a few hours or on my story :new_moon_with_face: thank you if you read this long

From the outfits you can tell how long I’ve been working on this :pleading_face:

From Minneha


Oh lord…I can’t believe it’s your brithday already. And I’m so freaking glad we’re still friends to this day. You’re someone who’s honestly brightened up my life so much, I couldn’t be more grateful for an amazing friend. I met you like 4 months ago? And we because such close friends in all those months, you’ve been so nice to me and you treated me like I was worth something, and I’ll always be forever grateful for that. I still can’t believe you have a hard time with people in real life, they don’t deserve your love and attention at all. I just want you to rembeer, I’m only one text or PM away, even though we may live across the world from each other, I’m always going to be right by your side. You’re 14 years old now, only 4 years left before adulthood, use them wisely and enjoy your time as a kid :rofl::rofl::heart:
I love you so much, Zara, Happy freaking Brithday! :cupid::cupid::cupid::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

From Patrick

ZaRaAAA!!! Happy Birthday my good sis! You’re honestly such a good friend and an amazing person; you’re so fun to be around, and I love how conversations just naturally flow in the group chat, and your contributions are always interesting to say the least :skull::skull: Diarrhea At the same time, you’re such a good listener and supportive person; I as well as several others know they can trust you! Unfortunately, that’s not a quality that people come across as easily nowadays, so you really are a great friend and a great person for letting us trust you and valuing that trust. I hope we’ll have many more fun (and maybe sometimes serious, lesbi honest we ain’t happy all the time) moments together as we talk more and spend more time together in the future! Love ya kweeen!!! And bish keep it up with the art like you’re so talented like omg ur art is so pretty like don’t stop ever regardless of any jealous butthurt haters or something that try to bring you down. They aren’t worth your time. :tipping_hand_woman:t5::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Anyway here’s some bIrThDaY eDiTs, one with ATTEMPTED GLITTER on the cheeks and one without (as u can see i really tried to save the edit with the freezing effects LMAOOO)

From Neptune


Happy birthday, queen Zara! You have been a close friend of mine since we started talking. I couldn’t be more happy with our friendship and I wish you the best birthday! Thank you for being so helpful, trustworthy and an amazing friend in general. Ily and cherish you so much, and you’re such a talented artist! I cannot wait to see more of your art! Once again, happy birthday, and I hope you have the best day ever, because you truly deserve it.

From Cella


Cheezits. Wowzers, yEehAw. Yes it’s your gurl cella, wishing you a very happy birthday. It feels like yesterday when we started talking, and we met through like…iDk. Forgive me for my brain cells. But boo, you become a human being that no one can ever replace. Your not only beautiful, but a person you can rant to and she’ll understand completely. When, I have some hard times, I immediately go to her. She was the first person I met, and became best friends since then. Your so fucking amazing, and nobody can change you for you :heavy_heart_exclamation:. Ily, keep being beautiful :revolving_hearts::raised_hands:

From Kylie


edits <3

^ hand by @xetic :clown_face:

happy birthday bby , youre growing so fast omg :pleading_face: i love you so much , youre literally the sweetest person ever & you care for everyone & i love that abt you , you make me laugh sm & youre honestly such a bean lmfaoo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thanks for sticking w me & dealing w me , i hope we last long & dont lose eachother sis , & i hope you dont get tired of us because youre like the mom of the group & we’d b retarded wo you :sob: . i love you bum , have a good one :heavy_heart_exclamation:

From Bhxddie

HAPPY GODDYAMN BIRTHDAY ZARA!! :confetti_ball::tada::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada:

You’re growing up so fast omg :triumph::sob:. I HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER. Ilysm you’re so amazing and kind. You’re such an amazing artist as well like damn sis-
Teach me ya ways foe. But fr your so sweet and nice and like so calm in situations. A true inspiration b! ILY AGAIn and Have fUn! Don’t let nobody take ya day away from you. “Real ass b^tch”

From Sierra


(YES i’m smaller than u cause ur mama)
ANYWAYS. to my pure lil mama — :see_no_evil:

hi zararararararaararra, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my beautiful iconic queen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: omg- when we first met i deadass had no idea how good of friends we would become it’s insane :pleading_face: you were one of my first friends on that thread & then the elimination game was chaotic as FUQQ ! you’re so nice & honest & someone who always brings joy to others & you’re so trustworthy. our group’s had some issues but you’ve always supported everyone <3 i remember the PEDISHELLOCK & GRASS & RUBYEYEYEUSUUSUS & BROOKIEEIEIIDID but look how far we’ve become as a group & as friends :sparkles: at first i literally didn’t know how to talk to people but you’ve helped me & you deserve to have so much confidence & be genuinely happy & i know you’re not always going to be but you REALLY should be bby ! look how talented you are like HOW OMGG- you always make me laugh with your scary growls & all our family insanity but i wouldn’t ask for anyone else as my mama :black_heart: we’re so lucky to have you & i love you MAMA ! i’ll make you proud with my growls soon, don’t worry :tipping_hand_woman:t2: thank you for being enough for everyone <3 i genuinely cannot see why someone couldn’t love you. how can someone be so pure & kind & funny & just always be herself despite how many people might fight against it? i’m really sorry i couldn’t make you an edit but you only deserve the best & i wasn’t satisfied. you deserve the world & i hope someone can give it to you. :two_hearts::cupid::sparkling_heart::heartpulse::heartbeat::revolving_hearts::gift_heart:

From Layla

To one of my best friends in the world, or if not my best friend. Life is funny, it works on weird way. It’s unfair, it’s cruel, it’s toxic, it hurts and there’s not one moment where most of us can find happiness. In such a dark world, I turned dark. For the few weeks leading up to when we first met I was crying, I was distraught, I was moody, I was stressed, I was depressed. It feels like my life was lifeless and that my heart was dark and cold and only beating to pump blood throughout my body. I was scared, I was cold, all I need was someone to set fire to my heart. To restart what was broken. I didn’t think it could happen. I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Life never liked me tbh. It was like a father. And I was the daughter. It would pick on me and it would make me feel worthless. Like I didn’t matter but I was wrong. Everything changes the day that you wanted me in that pm. Omfggg I didn’t realize how much it would matter. How much that one decision you made would affect me. It would prolly end up like a friendship gone wrong and someone would abandon each other. But you proved that theory wrong. Never once in a trillion years would I have imagined it turned out like this. That you would be the very thing holding me together. The very thing holding me on your arms. The very thing no not thing, the very human who lit the match. Ive never felt more happier than the day we talked. I only realized then and there that you were gods angel. A little devil at sometimes but an angel. The purest of its kind. The best of its kind. The loveliest of its kind. You are my light. And I’m just realizing it now. Home is not wheee you live, it’s the people in it. It’s the good influences that surround you. It’s the people that you know have got your back no matter anything. It’s the people that will stay with you through everything. It’s the people that push you to make the right decisions. :laughing: AND THAT PERSON IS YOU!!! You mean so much to me Zara and no Germa or how or narcissistic person will ever get in the way of that. I think we have something special. Something that’s 1 in 7.5 billion. Here, hot what I did there? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol, anyways I want to let you know in this paragraph how much you mean to me. By far you the dm that makes me so happy and makes me jump up. One time I did and hit my head on the fan and ended up up going to the ER but it was worth it. You make me so happy. You make me want to be a better person. You make me wanna smile, you make me wanna wake up. You make me wanna live. You make me want to get up. You make me feel worthy. I don’t ever think I’ll deserve your love. Your so fking precious and cute n adorable and amazing and every time I’m with you, my heart beats so fast that it might fall out. PLSSS TAKE MY LOVE OR ELSE ILL SPER— I MEAN SPAMM. God your so pure n innocent. I’d do anything for you. I just want to protect you. From all the bad in the world. I know your closer with Leslie and Minneha. And I know I don’t deserve your love and your kindness you overall but know I’m here. I don’t judge. My DM’s are open. Pls open up to me and tell me what’s wrong. Idc if it’s 5 am. I’m here on earth for people like you and I hope you understand that. I’ll trade Paul Wesley anyday to just see a smile on your face and be able to touch you and meet you irl. I’m promise I’m coming to New York just got you my lil dirty devil hoe with a passion for art and life. I know life can be sad and hard. It’s tricky with all the strings and chords and buttons and twists and emotions and being able to put the wall down when making friends. But know I’m proud of you. The proudest kid here and the world don’t deserve you omfgggg. Stop making me weep. And I know you want to be an adult rn and skip all the bad teenage years. But there is no point in life if you ain’t gonna live it and I’m here right by your side to help you enjoy it. The happiness I get when you tell me today was good or that your feeling better. It makes me cry and oh yee said girl hours and goddamn. You make me so soft and my knees turn to jello and my face is red when we talk. Just seeing how much you truly want to enjoy life and how much effort you put into your daily life inspires me so much. Hoes are gonna try and take us apart but our bond is special. Your the #1 source of happiness and uwwwuuww your the most perfect human being ever. And your amazing x 1000 and my love for you is a never ending heart. You make me feel so special. I’ve never met someone so kind, caring, loving, brave, courageous, funny, humorous, passionate, inspiring, admirable, outstanding, witty, sarcastic, blunt, ambitious, cute, adowable, iconic, strong, perfect, smol, loving, gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, down and dirty, dope, radical, excepting, Golden-hearted, pure, innocent, weird, cool, questionable, excellent, curious and nice. OMGGG AND YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY SND OML YOUR THE IDEAL PERFECT HUNAN BEING. Zara, ily and never forget that in your entire life. I’ll be here to support you from your strongest yo your weakest moment. God, you hold my heart and I swear I have to force my love down ur throat and you should know this. You inspire me in 20 million ways oki?? From editing to writing to living to fighting. I’ll fight my demons along with you. I’ll do all I can to have you by my side. God and nothing can change that. I also want to say that you irl and you in ZEPETO are really cute ok??? You honestly have the cutest yet most beautiful ZEPETO and dw I got u. :nerd_face: Your one of my 4 favs rn and I hope that means something bc I love you and your PFP is cute and your choice of style is modest yet badass. Also pls check out other stuff, I have a few other gifts for my lovely mommy. Ok and now mentioning that. WHEN IT WAS CONFIRMED THAT YOU AND LESLIE WERE MY MOMS!!! Holy shit I was creating a puddle that some might say it was raining. I don’t think I could have asked for a better episode mommy. You are the best of the best! You always care for me and you are there when I’m stuck. You pm me when I’m sad. And you give amazing advice! And I can trust and open up to you. Bc you are you and I. Love. You. :weary: ME AND SIERRA ARE PROUD AND JOYFUK TO CALL YOU MOMMY CHS YOUR AN AMAZING ONE LOL AND I PROMISE…I’ll make sure to be a faithful and good kid. Have I mentioned that… YOU ARE ALSO QUEEN LEGEND YESS AT ART!! OMG YOU HAVE IMPROVED SO MUCH! And your shading is wowow and the hair highlights got me sister shook. And the lips made me wish I didn’t start editing cus I’m a failure beside you hehehe lol. And you inspire me so much to edit! BC I WANNA BE LIKE YOU ONE DAY AND I HOPE I CAN SINCE YOU MY DOLE MODEL LICKITY LICK. And love chu and you light up my world like nobody else. So pls teach me ur ways godess. :cowboy_hat_face: and almost lastly. HAPLY MFKN BIRTHDAY!!! OH SHIT IM JUST SO PROUD AND EVEN KIDS CAN VE MOMS. Like bish you’ve grown up so fast from a cute baby to a badass teenager. Like omg teach me ur ways, your so pretty and I’m so proud of you and you’ve grown too fast. Ty for four months of friendship!!! SND I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY LOTS AND EAT CAME AND HAVE FUN AND LIVE UR LIFE. Today’s also our anniversary of two months of friendship so I’m crying. I couldn’t be more excited you lil angel and ima call you but. I’ll miss most of ur birthday but while I’m away pls no forget ur daughters. :pensive::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::weary::weary::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::pleading_face::heartbeat::heartbeat::heart::heart::heart::peach::peach::nerd_face::dog::eggplant::smirk::pen::pen::aries::aries::eyes::roll_eyes::coconut::poop::open_mouth::peach::infinity::drooling_face::dog::dog::yum::stuck_out_tongue::sunglasses::kissing::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face::sunglasses::confused::pensive::disappointed::partying_face::partying_face::birthday::ice_cream::cake::chocolate_bar::dango::cupcake::candy::icecream::pie::lollipop::balloon::ribbon::shopping::confetti_ball::tada::gift:


I hope you enjoyed!! :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Tags: @sofia2 @talesbyrose @Luio @phlegmatic @Turtle_Cat




wE LOVE YOU SIS :heart::sob:


HAPPY BIRTHDAy BBY :heart::heart::heart: ILYSM AND I HOPE YOU LIKE WHAT I WROTE :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:


Happy birthday girl :tada:


G hall of fame award goes to Zara, presented by The Sister Exposer$

US SISTER EXPOSER$ LYYY :heart::hugs::confetti_ball:


Hi I’m crying rn since your growing up too fast but ily with all my heart and omfg. Since we met my life has only been better babe. Ily to the moon and back and pls enjoy your day and I’m sorry I’m going so soon. BUT ILY BESTIESEE AND YOU IS OWN MY HEART!! Never stop being who you are :pleading_face::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:






wait you didnt include @xetic 's paragraph-


Oops I thought she was going to Dm her it-


oh- OK


No I’m just dumb, I added it :purple_heart::purple_heart:


since i have much more to say, this is a tiny bit long, read it if you wish.


Zara, you have not only been a kind and gentle human in my life, you’ve also been one of my best friends. our similarities bring us together, in a way, but it’s truly our differences which make us special. And damn, Zara, you really are different than most. (In the best way possible)
You cherish friendships, you don’t give up on anyone. I could never do that before meeting you. One argument with someone, and suddenly it was like my whole world collapsed. But you were one of the people who showed me, friendships can be saved, and it can be found in places such as a group chat. :joy:
You truly make everyone feel special, and even though I can’t see you in person, I’d probably trust you with my life. Because you’re someone in my life who makes me feel like I matter. You gave me a home in forums. And even though it was just a silly GC, it made me feel wanted. You are one in a million, and have such a good heart.
You always compliment me and like my posts, I don’t deserve you. And you always build me up, when people try tearing me down. I couldn’t imagine forums without you. Because you make forums a special place. You make our lives special.
You won’t meet someone with a heart as pure as Zara’s.
Zara, I am so glad I was a part of your life and I am definitely glad that you were a part of mine.
You are unforgettable, and I will never forget the impact you had on me. Truly unbelievable how one human can change your life.
You are, no doubt, one of my best friends.
Thank you for lighting me up inside.
Thank you for cheering me up when I felt down.
Thank you for complimenting my artwork.
Thank you for blessing me with your beautiful artwork.
Thank you for blessing me with your presence.
I could not imagine life with you, Zara.
Ilysm, and I wish you the happiest birthday. Thank you for holding on to me and our friendship and thank you for guiding me through the dark times and leading me to the light. You are an angel, never stop.


Omg I love you so much and I wish you happy birthday!!!
You are so amazing, caring, sweet, smart, talented and so much more!
I am so happy and proud to have you as my friend and I promise I’ll always be here for you when you need me and you can tell me everything that’s bothering you.
I’ll fight crazy people for you and always protect you.
I wish you happy birthday and to spend this day with people you love and to enjoy it!!! :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Btw I wanted to make u edit but I didn’t have time, but I promise I’ll make u edit when I get home!


I know I don’t know you but,



Happy birthday Kween @epi.milkyway :smirk::bug::poop::cowboy_hat_face:


WEEEEE LOVE YOU SO MUCH ZARARARARARARARA GET ONLINE NOW :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::revolving_hearts::heartpulse::sparkling_heart::orange_heart::cupid::blue_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::revolving_hearts::gift_heart::heart::gift_heart::revolving_hearts::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Happy birthday :birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::cake::cake::cake::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne: