Help! I'm struggling with remembering choices, keeping getting an error

So I keep getting a donacode error and I’m not really sure what I’m doing wrong. I tried to follow some videos and sites I’ve seen with writing a remembering choice and I’m still quite lost.

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hmm try adding a space between { and elif? I dont see any other problem

I have tried that and the code still appears, this is the if part of my code. not sure if it has anything to do with the elif part but the elif is the error

I think if you have nothing to add in else, you replace elif with else

if (something) {

} else {


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It still is showing the Donacode even with else instead of elif. :sweat:

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can you maybe copy and paste the script here or PM me so I can test it on my laptop and try to figure out the problem?

I sent you a PM! thank you smmmm

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happy to help :blush:

If you reload the website and the dialogue stays where it is, then that’s the problem. You don’t need to put the spacing in yourself, it’ll do that for you the next time your code is loaded.

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